You deserve a good snack ( or meal ) because it's MONDAY ! 這些看來詭異的食物組合,其實美味超凡、讓人欲罷不能,今天就來試試看吧。6 Must-try weird food combinations that actually taste heavenly!
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薯條搭配番茄醬真的老梗了。很早以前我就已經 用檸檬汁、糖、鹽、黑胡椒還有新鮮辣椒來調製薯條醬汁, 今天這個單元還有別種的搭配喔。 |
氣泡水不用買頂級的,一般品牌也可以。上圖是老外嚐試推薦的,跟我的喝法一樣, 可見君子所見略同 Great minds think alike。 |
We all have our favorite combinations of food choices and sometimes these pairs may sound weird as they seem like an acquired taste. 不是馬上能接受的口味But here are some food combinations that you must try. They are guaranteed to impress our taste buds. 保證能讓大家的味蕾綻放出火花啦
French Fries with Ice Cream 薯條與冰淇淋
This may sound like an unlikely combination 不可能(沒人想過)的組合 as french fries are usually eaten as a savory snack 鹹食 and ice cream is a sweet dessert. 甜點 In fact, the combination of the sweet and savory flavors of both foods actually compliment each other (滋味)互補 and some have compared the taste of french fries dipped in 沾到(醬) ice cream as being similar to an ice cream cone. 冰淇淋甜筒(餅乾部分)
Peanut Butter and Bacon 花生醬與培根
Everything tastes better with bacon, 培根這個字不可數 but the peanut butter and bacon combination tastes even better! Peanut butter is a common spread 抹醬 that we use on our bread and the next time you make your sandwiches or flipping up a burger, just add two pieces of sizzling 煎到發出嘶嘶聲 bacon and this combination will not only make you cry with joy, it will also give your meal more personality. 讓你餐點更有特色
Chocolate and chili peppers 巧克力與辣椒
For those adventurous foodies 美食冒險者(愛嚐鮮的人) out there who want some kick 刺激/快感 out of their chocolate dishes or desserts, why not add some chili peppers 辣椒 to their favorite chocolate snacks. Who knows you may get addicted to 上癮 the sweet and spicy mix of flavors.
在巧克力裡添加辣味這種做法行之有年,巧克力裡面的甜酸與苦味,與辣味極為合拍,市面上也有辣椒口味的巧克力(見上圖)。此外,巧克力跟海鹽也挺受歡迎,另外柑橘水果citrus fruits 與莓果 berries是絕對不會錯的組合。safe combinations.
Cheese and Kimchi 起司與泡菜
For those Korean food lovers out there, kimchi is no stranger to 對...不陌生them. According to some foodies, to bring up the kick when eating kimchi, just add some cheese to double the enjoyment. 雙重享受
Just by watching that melted cheese ooze out of the bread 融化的起司從麵包裡面流瀉出來 makes my mouth water! 讓我垂涎三尺 This must eat 必吃的東西 can serve as a tasty snack 美味點心 as well as a satisfying meal. 令人感覺滿足的正餐
Banana and Mayonnaise 香蕉與美乃滋
Mayonnaise 美乃滋(英文口說都講Mayo,發音聽起來很像中文的「沒有」)may be the last thing that anyone would pair up 湊做堆 with bananas, but there are some out there who swear by it 以...之名起誓(表示極為信賴) for its heavenly sweet and salty flavors. 記得囉,這邊說的 mayonnaise是超市賣的玻璃罐裝美乃滋,不是台灣人用的沙拉醬喔。因為外國的美乃滋不是放在冷藏區,且味道偏鹹並非台灣甜甜的沙拉醬味道。
綜觀上面的六種詭異組合,重點就是要 sweet and savory - 甜鹹交雜才能提供味蕾豐富的享受。語言學習要落實在生活中,效果才會持久且顯著喔。
外國的洋芋片品牌大廠,每年都會徵求創意口味點子。 曾經有人建議上面這款柳橙汁與牙膏口味, 這樣吃起來應該跟喝漱口水的感覺差不多。 |
Have fun learning while enjoying these heavenly food combinations!