一分鐘搞懂英文,Good at, good in, good with差別跟用法絕對不再搞錯!

英文裡有些小東西經常讓我們搞不清楚,教練今天分享good at/good in/good with的差異與用法,如果你也覺得自己有類似問題,下面的解釋,不但可以釐清你的疑惑,透過例句也能讓你對各種用法過目不忘。

Good at good in 基本上意思差不多,兩者可以互換 both can be used interchangeably 但如果真要區分兩者的差異,那麼 good at一般來說,都跟活動 activity有關 。如:

He is good at football.
She is good at drawing.

如果講的是某個學科表現很好,good in 就可以用在這邊,但若用 good at 也可以,有時候甚至 good at 會比 good in 更常見。

My son is good in math: he always finishes first. 
My son is good at math: he makes all A's. 

This actor is good in his role. 
Jake is good at sex = Jake is good in bed 

至於 Good with ,通常表達的是能力competancy 如:

  1. My father is an accountant; he has always been good with numbers. 
  2. My sister is good with children; she wants to be a kindergarten teacher in the future. 
  3. My brother is good with his hands; he remolded the entire house. 
  4. I am good with money; I save at least 40% of my allowance every week. 


  1. I'm awful with money. 我真的很不會理財
  2. I'm bad at math.  我數學很爛






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