
台灣小吃百百種,英文翻譯何其多?CNN旅遊網站列出了四十種不能不吃的台灣小吃,解決了英文到底該怎麼說的困擾。這些小吃的英文與描述非常傳神鮮活,我為了整理註解,一次只能寫二十種(時間不夠用),所以這個單元分成Part I 與 Part II 兩個部分。從刨冰、胡椒餅、甜不辣到藥燉排骨、雞排與可樂餅,甚至連大腸包小腸都有了,有了這份檔案,讓你介紹台灣美食時信心十足,再也不會猶豫或是辭窮啦。

                                                                    點我看台灣小吃Part 2喔

同學記得我上回上課時候講的親身故事嗎?十幾年前我的美國好友們來台灣玩,我惡整他們吃雞屁股這件事情。這回燒烤雞屁股這玩意兒,沒能進入CNN四十大台灣美食,我想那是因為雞屁股是個可議的身體部位,老外(即便是華裔記者)也不感興趣。當時我哄騙我的老外朋友說,烤金字塔是台灣知名美食grilled golden pyramids, 大家聽了都即刻表達了「金字塔何其美,吾心嚮往之」的表情,於是大夥兒紛紛各點一串雞屁股,三兩下吃個精光,只剩竹籤一支。一直到吃完後,我才跟這些老外解釋說,那個香烤金字塔,其實是chicken tush啦(tush是英文屁股的口語俗稱)大家聽了之後花容失色...只差沒有跟我斷絕友誼。



picture from CNNGO


animal shaped egg pancakes
egged shaped pancakes
(如果形狀不是動物的,就自己改形狀的英文。如果沒有形狀,就直接說egg pancakes)

Wheel pies


1. 奶油                                cream
2. 紅豆                            red bean
3.芝麻                                sesame
4. 芋頭                                    taro
5. 花生                               peanut
6. 蘿蔔乾    dried/pickled radish 
7. 高麗菜 dried/pickled cabbage

40 Taiwanese foods we can't live without Part 1

From mountains of shaved ice to chicken cutlets as big as your face, Taiwanese eats all come with superlatives

Taipei travel essentials: passport, cash, extra stomach.

Small eats小吃 are the big thing in Taiwan where the philosophy is eat often and eat well.
Sure, there's the internationally accepted three-meals-a-day format of dining, but why be so limited when you can make like the Taiwanese and do some gourmet snacking美食小吃 at any time of the day, all day, every day? 

The capital Taipei has around 20 streets dedicated to snacking.
Every time you think you've found the best streetside bao, the most incredible stinky tofu stand or mind-blowing(令人感到興奮的)這邊的意思是好吃到爆 beef noodle soup, there's always another one that surpasses it. 無論你覺得今天吃到了什麼好吃的玩意兒,總會再找到更好吃的東西

Taiwanese food is a mash-up混合體 of the cuisines of Min Nan閩南, Teochew潮州 and Hokkien福建 Chinese communities, as well as Japanese cuisine.

The results of these culinary marriages(這邊的marriage指的是結合、搭配跟湊堆) are diversely delicious.多樣且美味

When we asked some Taiwanese friends about the best food on their island, the argument that ensued almost broke up life-long friendships.這一句的意思是,記者去問了台灣在地人,到底哪些才算是台灣道地小吃美食,結果這些在地人為了爭辯哪種小吃最棒,個個都顧不得友誼情面,幾乎吵到關係破裂。這句話當然是為了說明台灣小吃百百種,每個人各有所好,好吃的東西實在是太多了。

"We almost had a war -- we just have too many good eats," was the typical reply.
Food: it's serious, it's respected, it's all excellent in Taiwan.

1. Braised pork rice (滷肉飯)

A Taiwanese saying goes, "Where there is a wisp of smoke from the kitchen chimney, there will be lurou fan" 哪家煙囪有冒煙,哪裡就有滷肉飯(braised pork with rice). The popularity of this humble dish cannot be overstated. 
"Lurou fan" is synonymous with Taiwan.滷肉飯幾乎可說是台灣的代名詞了
The Taipei city government launched a "braised pork rice is ours" campaign last year after Michelin’s Green Guide Taiwan claimed that the dish is from Shandong Province in mainland China.這件事情是真的,因為抗議信函是我寫的哈哈哈。(之前米其林美食指南把滷肉飯的魯字,詮釋成大陸的山東美食,弄到台北市政府還去函去要求更正…)
A good bowl of lurou fan has finely chopped剁碎的, not quite minced尚未到絞肉的地步, pork belly, slow-cooked in aromatic soy sauce香噴噴的醬油 with five spices五香粉. There should be an ample amount of fattiness非常肥非常油, in which lies the magic這就是好吃的祕訣.
The meat is spooned over hot rice. 肉醬與濃汁上桌前會用湯匙澆在米飯上。 
A little sweet, a little salty, the braised pork rice is comfort food perfected撫慰心靈的完美食物.

2. Beef noodle (牛肉麵)

You know it's an obsession when it gets its own festival.台北有牛肉麵節,大家可以明白台灣人迷戀牛肉麵的程度了
Beef noodle soup is a dish that inspires competitiveness and innovation in chefs. Everyone wants to claim the title of beef noodle king.
Lin Dong Fang's beef shanks牛腱肉 with al dente義大利文,英文普遍用來解釋義大利麵的硬度,完美的義大利麵硬度式夾生,就是中間還有一點硬的麵條,台灣的牛肉麵也要能彈牙(夾生),才是口感最佳的麵條 noodles in a herbal soup中藥燉的湯頭 are a perennial favorite一年到頭人們的心頭好. The streetside eatery’s secret weapon is the dollop一團 of homemade chili-butter辣椒醬(比較濃稠的那種) added last.

3. Oyster omelet (蚵仔煎)

Here's a snack that really showcases the fat of the land最足以代表台灣精華的小吃 of Taiwan. You've got something from the sea and something from the soil.
The eggs are the perfect foil陪襯物 for the little oysters easily found around the island, while sweet potato starch番薯粉調製的勾芡is added to give the whole thing a gooey chewiness黏呼呼、耐嚼有彈性的口感 -- a signature Taiwan food texture.台灣在地美食的最佳典範
No wonder it was voted best snack to represent the island in a poll of 1,000 Taiwanese by Global Views Monthly in 2007.曾獲選成為台灣最佳小吃

4. Bubble tea (珍珠奶茶)

Bubble tea is representative of the "QQ" food texture that Taiwanese love. The cute-sounding phrase聽起來很可愛的名字 refers to something that is very chewy, just like the tapioca balls用樹薯粉製作的粉圓 that are the "bubbles" in bubble tea.
It is said that this unique drink was invented out of boredom無心插柳來的(因為無聊之下才創造出來的). Liu Han-Chieh threw some sweetened tapioca pudding into her iced Assam tea on a fateful day in 1988 and one of the greatest Taiwanese exports was born.
Huge variations 各種不同的珍奶口味on the theme have since emerged, including taro-flavored tea芋頭口味的奶茶, jasmine tea茉香 or coffee, served cold or hot.

5. Coffin bread (棺材板)

This Tainan specialty知名台南小吃is a mutated offspring of French toast and chowder.其實是兩種西方食物結合在一起的產物(法國吐司與蛤礪濃湯)
An extra thick piece of bread is hollowed out挖空 to resemble a flat bread bowl. It is toasted to harden it and then filled with seafood chowder海鮮濃稠湯汁.
Legend says根據傳聞 a Taiwanese chef who studied Western cooking invented this bread-soup-bowl-with-corners.
One day an archeologist tried the toast and told the chef, “It looks just like the coffin I am excavating挖掘 now.”
Thus, the chowder soup took on its morbid變態名稱 Chinese name, which means "coffin bread."

6. Slack Season danzai noodles (擔仔麵)

You've gotta love a place called Slack Season and it's the first pit stop on any trip to Taiwan.
The iconic eatery originated in Tainan about a century ago. A fisherman sold noodles during the slack season淡季 and the joint 小店became so successful that he quit fishing altogether. 
The signature bowl of Slack Season noodles is served in shrimp soup with bean sprouts豆芽菜, coriander香菜, minced pork豬絞肉(肉燥) and fresh shrimps(鮮蝦).
This bowl of comforting flavors is so addictive讓人上癮的 that a man from Tainan ate 18 bowls in a row連續, according to Slack Season.

7. Pan-fried bun (生煎包)

Do you like the fluffiness鬆軟的 of cake as well as the crunchiness酥脆 of potato chips? The pan-fried bun gives you the best of both worlds完美結合兩種最佳口感.
These buns are made with spongy white Chinese bread紮實白色包子皮 that are pan-fried on the bottom. Break them open to reveal the moist porky filling多汁的豬肉內餡
A Shanghainese staple上海人的主食, the Taiwanese version台灣版本 differs in two ways: it is slightly bigger in size and it hits the pan upside-down台灣版本有別於上海生煎包的兩個地方是:1.台灣的生煎包比上海的包子大一些。2. 煎好時包子的面朝下

8. Gua bao (割包)

It's a hamburger, Taiwan-style.台灣版本漢堡
A steamed bun蒸包 sandwiches a hearty filling of braised pork belly大塊三層豬肉, pickled Chinese cabbage酸菜 and powdered peanuts花生粉.
The filling is chopped up into small pieces and mixed together so there's a bit of everything in every bite. Consider doing this with Western hamburgers.
Take in a big mouthful大咬一口 and enjoy the salty, sour and sweet flavors and the greasy pork油滋滋的豬肉 swimming in your mouth在嘴裡滑來滑去的感覺.

9. Iron egg (鐵蛋)

It's called the "iron egg" because this mini egg is tough as nails鐵釘. With a rubbery consistency橡皮的口感 these chewy eggs有嚼勁蛋 dyed black from long-braising in soy sauc黑嘛嘛的色澤是因為長期浸泡在醬油中的關係, are a highly addictive delicacy in Taiwan.
Often made from quails' eggs鵪鶉蛋, the little balls are cooked for hours in soy sauce then air-dried風乾. The whole process is repeated over several days until the protein becomes tough and acquires the desired amount of chew.

10. Pineapple cake (鳳梨酥)

This iconic Taiwanese pastry is one of the best souvenir 伴手禮(紀念品)options. These mini pineapple pies are filled with candied pineapple將鳳梨煮成糖凝固成一塊一塊鳳梨餡。
If you want the best pineapple cake experience, try SunnyHills微熱山丘 which uses only local pineapple 台灣在地的土鳳梨as filling餡料. It yields a darker filling鳳梨的餡料看上去顏色較深, rougher texture口感更紮實(塊狀物多) and a more sour 口感較酸taste. 
The traditional pies at other shops are filled with a mix of pineapple and chewable bits of winter melon冬瓜糖. They have a fruity sweetness and a golden casing of crumbly buttery pastry.
Stores that replace pineapple completely with winter melon to cut costs節省成本 are committing a big no-no是不OK

11. Tian bu la (甜不辣)

Tian bu la refers to fish paste魚漿 that has been molded into various shapes製成各種形狀 and sizes, deep-fried, then boiled in a broth先熱火油炸再泡在湯汁裡面煮. Before eating, the pieces of solid fish paste are taken out of the broth and smothered in brown sauce上面淋上咖啡色醬汁.
Doesn't sound like much聽起來不怎樣, but it delivers plenty of the sweet flavors and chewy textures beloved by Taiwanese. Tian bu la is basically a Taiwan take on Japanese oden, with more sugariness, tougher fish cakes and a signature sauce. 
After finishing the pieces of fish cakes, there's more to come. Get some soup from the vendor and add it to the remaining sauce in the bowl. Mix and drink the flavor bomb.充滿滋味的精華,因為甜不辣的湯汁會在口中炸出美味口感(這邊的bomb不要翻譯成炸彈)   

12. Ba wan (肉圓)

The ba wan is Taiwan's mega dumpling超大水餃(任何以麵皮包住肉餡的食物都可以稱之為dumpling).
Made with a dough of rice flour, corn starch and sweet potato starch, it looks almost translucent半透明 after cooking. Pork, veggies and sometimes eggs are stuffed inside and gravy濃郁的醬汁 is poured on top. 
It is commonly believed that ba wan was invented during periods of scarcity物質匱乏的貧窮時代. The simple pork dumpling was then a luxurious snack奢華小點 enjoyed only during the Lunar New Year festival過去只有過年的時候才吃得到

13. Fried chicken (鹽酥雞)

In the fried chicken hall of fame炸雞名人堂, Taiwan deserves its own exhibit台版炸雞絕對值得大書特書一番. Not only has it made the giant fried chicken cutlet超大雞排 (No. 35 on this list在本篇的第三十五項台灣美食) a cult classic絕對經典, but its popcorn chicken雞米花(因為鹽酥雞是一小塊一小塊的) is dangerously addictive.一吃上癮,欲罷不能
The chicken is chopped into bite-sized pieces小塊(一口), marinated用醬料醃漬, dipped in batter過粉 and deep-fried油炸. A generous sprinkling of salt and pepper灑上大量椒鹽 complete the morish morsels令人上癮的小小雞塊. It's a ubiquitous snack隨處可見的 on the city streets.

14. Flaky scallion pancake (蔥抓餅)

There is nothing more appetizing than the sight of a flaky scallion pancake因為炒得外皮酥脆所以會掉屑因此得名 being slowly torn apart邊炒餅邊撕開. Add cheese and egg fillings to maximize the visuals(加了蛋與起司的餅)視覺效果更棒.
Devour this night market staple大口吞下這個夜市主要美食 in a few bites to ensure it is steaming hot and chewy.

15. Oyster vermicelli (蚵仔米線)

A bowl of great oyster vermicelli should have a thick, flavorful soup base while the thin rice noodles and oysters should still retain their distinct texture麵條依舊彈牙不糊掉.  
Some people will add chopped intestines切成一小段一小段的大腸 for a funky dimension to the soup.為這道小吃增添一些奇特的風味(因為外國人不吃動物內臟的關係)
It is a gooey, slurpable吃麵時會一直發出的呼嚕呼嚕咻咻聲 dish, more soup than noodle, with an intense briny taste鹹味.

16. Stinky tofu (臭豆腐)

This is the world's best love-it-or-hate-it snack不是超愛就是覺得超級噁心的小吃 and Taiwan does it just right台灣人最懂得怎麼讓這道菜精彩
The "fragrant" cube of bean curd豆腐塊 is deep-fried and draped with sweet and spicy sauce. If you hold your nose如果捏住鼻子不要呼吸, it looks and tastes just like a plain ol' piece of fried tofu口感跟一般的豆腐大同小異, with a crisp casing外皮酥脆 and soft center like pudding裡面如布丁般軟滑.
But what's the fun in eating that? Inhale deeply and relish the stench享受那美妙的臭味, the smellier, the better.越臭越好

17. Sweet potato (地瓜)

Leaving taste, smell and nutritional value aside撇開不談, the sweet potato stands out for one particular reason in Taiwan -- it is shaped like the island地瓜的形狀很像台灣這個島. For this, the sweet potato occupies a very special place in every Taiwanese heart.在每個台灣人心中都占有一席之地
Taiwan-grown sweet potatoes are added to soup with ginger, or roasted by street vendors in ovens converted from oil-drums, or ground to a flour and added to other dishes to give texture, or fried into sweet potato chips.番薯的吃法很多可以跟薑汁一起煮成湯,可以用烤的,也可以炸成薯片。
As long as the beloved root vegetable is in it, Taiwanese love it.

18. Shaved ice mountain (刨冰山)

One good thing about the hot, humid and stormy summers in Taiwan is the excuse to eat shaved ice mountain.
An oversized pile of shaved ice is heaped with fresh fruit刨冰上面堆滿水果 and flavorings各種醬料與水果, such as mango pieces, juice and sweet condensed milk煉乳. It wins hands down just by looks alone刨冰澎湃的外型光是用看的就覺得了不起。Hands down是個口語化的說法,意思是easily, unquestionably.
A more traditional take is a smaller option, less dramatic but with freshly made mini rice balls.

19. Pepper cakes (胡椒餅)

The must-have at Rao He night market饒河夜市, the pepper cake is a crispy pocket外皮酥脆的口袋餅 filled with juicy pork that is infused with the aromatic bite of black pepper包含著香氣十足的黑胡椒. Baked on the wall of a clay oven, the pies are a delicious ode頌歌 to the pepper plant.
Make sure you get more than one, or risk the overwhelming sense of regret when you have to wait again in the long queue for more.這邊記者建議一次多買幾個,才不會因為吃一口太美味,又得折回來排隊而感到後悔莫及。

20. Din Tai Fung Dumpling House (鼎泰豐小籠包)

Xiaolongbao may be a Shanghainese delicacy上海點心, but some argue that the Taiwanese perfected it台灣人早已經將這道美食昇華到更高境界. Taiwanese restaurant Din Tai Fung does its Shanghai comrades同胞 proud with their succulent多汁的 pork soup dumplings. 
Din Tai Fung’s bite-sized xiaolongbao have a consistently high quality品質一致風味絕佳. Their paper-thin wrappings皮薄 hold rich hot broth內餡熱且多汁 and tender pork meatballs.
Gasps can be heard intermittently讚嘆聲此起彼落  at Din Tai Fung as diners brave the scalding hot燙口的 soup that squirts out噴汁(小籠包咬開之後) upon biting the dumpling. 


  1. 謝謝您熱心的分享與超讚的整理,另外想請問一下~~雞蛋糕和車輪餅的英文怎麼說??

  2. Hi Mavis,


  3. 老師~~ 您的書要去哪裡買啊?我上博客來都找不到耶


  4. 書店或是網路書店應該下周以後就會陸續鋪貨了。不然去哈佛櫃檯也買得到。下面是博客來的連結喔

  5. 版主您好,看到這篇用心的文章想要分享到Facebook讓其他人也看到,但想先取得同意,不知道是否願意借轉?

  6. Hi Ondy,


  7. 那我轉載囉~ 謝謝!

    文章我會設定公開, 如果您想看的話也可以: ]

  8. 作者已經移除這則留言。

  9. 您好,因為找"酥餅"的英文看到這篇文章。我在自己的文已經放了連結過來,希望您不會介意。

  10. 教練,請問如何表達口感?? 用哪個字,比較貼切呢?? 謝謝。

    1. 口感這個字很籠統,在英文裡面可以細分成很多種。廣義的來說,texture就是口感,但光這樣講還不夠,還要用一些形容詞來描繪口感。

      1. I just can't get over that slimy texture that oysters have. 這邊講的是滑膩的口感。
      2. Some people have compared tapioca pearls (boba)珍珠粉圓 to the texture of eating animal eyeballs or chewing rubber.
      3. This sweet pastry has a flaky texture. 鬆鬆的會掉屑的餅


      crunchy 脆的
      gooey 拔絲的如起司球
      crispy 酥脆的如炸雞
      fluffy 蓬鬆的口感(如鬆餅)
      mashed 搗成泥狀的(如洋芋泥)

      The above are some of the common adjectives that people use to describe food textures. I hope you find them to be more than useful.

    2. 謝謝教練的回應 並給了好多描述口感的形容詞。

      自從知道這個網站,每幾天都會來看一下,雖說一下子沒法吸收這麼多。 但就是很喜歡來這邊學習,也因為這個網站,讓我決心好好的學習英文。
      一直來發問 希望不會造成教練的困擾,謝謝

    3. 當然不會困擾,寫部落格的目的就在於分享。有問題都可以發問,只是有時候我忙一點無法馬上回覆,你不介意就好了。




Resolve and solve 有什麼不同?該怎麼用?一分鐘搞懂!


最美麗的英文字 Serendipity ,是翻譯者最不想碰的難題。Looking for one thing: finding another...

一分鐘搞懂英文,different from 跟 different than 哪個對?

一分鐘搞懂英文,Good at, good in, good with差別跟用法絕對不再搞錯!

Vegan 跟 vegetarian 其實不同派。關於各種「飲食派」的英文,這篇全介紹!吃素好處多,吃素可以救地球!


In contrast, by contrast 意思一樣嗎? 教練的簡易提點讓你一分鐘搞懂!