常用的顏色英文成語學起來,聽說讀寫都給力!Color idioms in Use.

英文的成語English idioms有時候比單字更好用。

1. 黑色 the black sheep 害群之馬(不是黑馬的意思喔)

  • Rose never went to college and was considered the black sheep of the family.

2. 紅色 to catch someone red-handed 做壞事當場被抓包

  • The thief was caught red-handed while trying to steal a car.

3. 綠色 to get the green light 獲得准許去做某事

  • I got the green light from my boss to begin the project.

4. 綠色 to be green with envy 忌妒(眼紅)

  • Janet was green with envy when she saw my new Gucci bag.

5. 藍色 once in a blue moon 非常罕見

  • I visit the shop once in a blue moon

6. 黑白配 in black and white 白紙黑字寫下來

  • The requirements were documented in the agreement in black and white.

7. 紅色 to roll out the red carpet 隆重歡迎
The villagers rolled out the red carpet for the mayor.

8. 白色 a white lie 善意的謊言

  • I told a white lie because I didn't want to hurt her feelings. 

9. 藍色 out of the blue 突然/毫無預警的發生

  • While driving me to school the other day, my dad got mad at me out of the blue




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