十個肢體語言透露玄機,正式場合千萬別翹腳。加碼附贈貓狗肢體語言喔。Secrets to reading body language like a pro!
To Focus On
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加碼贈送狗狗的肢體語言。 |
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貓奴才們可以參考上面這張海報。 |
Secrets to reading body language like an expert:
By Eric Barker
important is body language?
55% of what you convey傳遞出 when you speak comes from body language. In fact, when you’re speaking about something emotional only about 7% of what the other person
hears has to do with the words you use.
More often than not通常 you can
tell what a politician thinks about an issue just
by watching their hands. Psychopaths心理變態(通常是犯案的人) can tell
who would be a good victim just
by watching them walk.
In five
minutes you can often evaluate people with approximately
70% accuracy… but obviously we’re wrong often, and that 30% can be very costly.
What can the research teach us about better reading
people’s body language?
To Focus On
signals can and should you trust when trying to get a “read” on someone? They
need to be unconscious behaviors無意識的行為
that are not easily controlled and
convey a clear message.
In Honest Signals: How They Shape Our
World, the authors point out three to keep your eye on:
Speech mimicry模仿 and behavioral mimicry: Are they using the
same words you use? Speaking at a similar speed and tone? Are they sitting the
way you sit? Is a subtle隱約的,
unconscious game of follow-the-leader going on無意識的跟隨領袖模仿遊戲(聽者去模仿說話者的肢體語言以及語調)? This is a sign the other person feels emotionally in sync
情緒上與…一致with you. It can be faked可以造假
but that’s rare and difficult to pull off 騙過人consistently across a
conversation. (可以造假,但是很難持續一直演下去,因為會有破綻)
Activity level: As a general rule通則, activity levels indicate interest and excitement. (Often when
a woman is
bouncing her foot during一隻腳在一邊彈跳 a date it means she’s interested in the man
she’s with.)
Consistency of
emphasis and timing(肢體動作的)強調方式與時間點都一致: This is a sign of
focus and control. Someone who is less consistent is less sure of themselves
and more open to influence.強調訊息時肢體動作不一致,肢體動作出現的時間點也凌亂不一,顯示出這個人較無自信。