十個肢體語言透露玄機,正式場合千萬別翹腳。加碼附贈貓狗肢體語言喔。Secrets to reading body language like a pro!


1. 眉毛挑高通常意味著當事人不自在/不舒服

2. 說話時的語調有很明顯的高低起伏,這個人顯然對目前的話題很感興趣

3. 眼神的交會意味著有興趣,但這種興趣正負面都有可能。

4. 但如果當事人凝視你雙眼的時間太久,這個人有可能正在說謊


6. 如果對方會下意識的模仿你的動作,那你們肯定聊得挺不錯的。

7. 皮笑肉不笑:嘴巴是笑了,但眼睛沒有。(眼部周圍會因為開心的笑而出現皺褶)

8. 如果你笑了之後,周遭的人也跟著你笑,那這些人真的挺喜歡你的。

9. 坦率有威儀的姿態,通常能散發出領導特質。

10. 抖腳通常透露出當事人內心的不安






Secrets to reading body language like an expert:
By Eric Barker
How important is body language?

55% of what you convey傳遞出 when you speak comes from body language. In fact, when you’re speaking about something emotional only about 7% of what the other person hears has to do with the words you use.

More often than not通常 you can tell what a politician thinks about an issue just by watching their hands. Psychopaths心理變態(通常是犯案的人) can tell who would be a good victim just by watching them walk.

In five minutes you can often evaluate people with approximately 70% accuracy… but obviously we’re wrong often, and that 30% can be very costly.

What can the research teach us about better reading people’s body language?

What To Focus On

What signals can and should you trust when trying to get a “read” on someone? They need to be unconscious behaviors無意識的行為 that are not easily controlled and convey a clear message.

In Honest Signals: How They Shape Our World, the authors point out three to keep your eye on:
·        Speech mimicry模仿 and behavioral mimicry: Are they using the same words you use? Speaking at a similar speed and tone? Are they sitting the way you sit? Is a subtle隱約的, unconscious game of follow-the-leader going on無意識的跟隨領袖模仿遊戲(聽者去模仿說話者的肢體語言以及語調)? This is a sign the other person feels emotionally in sync 情緒上與一致with you. It can be faked可以造假 but that’s rare and difficult to pull off 騙過人consistently across a conversation. (可以造假,但是很難持續一直演下去,因為會有破綻)

·        Activity level: As a general rule通則, activity levels indicate interest and excitement. (Often when a woman is bouncing her foot during一隻腳在一邊彈跳 a date it means she’s interested in the man she’s with.)

·        Consistency of emphasis and timing(肢體動作的)強調方式與時間點都一致: This is a sign of focus and control. Someone who is less consistent is less sure of themselves and more open to influence.強調訊息時肢體動作不一致,肢體動作出現的時間點也凌亂不一,顯示出這個人較無自信。




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