英文大體檢Chapter 5 !魔鬼藏在細節處。教練不瘋總統大選,這篇來純粹來說說韓國瑜在博恩夜夜秀裡面英文的定冠詞使用。
幾天前我收看了YouTube頻道博恩夜夜秀的韓國瑜專訪。專訪裡面有一段博恩與韓的英文模擬電話對話。整體而言,總統候選人韓國瑜與雙語bilingual的主持人博恩對答如流,英文的流暢度還不錯,發音也清楚,聽起來頗有自信。但是韓在對話裡面的定冠詞使用都錯了。如提到迪士尼來高雄建,裡面說到的the Taiwan, the Kaohsiung這邊,其實兩個地名前面都不需要定冠詞,說in Kaohsiung, Taiwan就可以了。
韓: Could you please invest your Disney to the Taiwan, the Kaohsiung?
正確的說法為:Would you consider the possibility of building a Disney theme park in Kaohsiung, Taiwan?
或:How does a Disney theme Park in Kaohsiung, Taiwan sound to you? I think it would be the best investment you'll ever make.