Happy Women's Day! 三八婦女節,簡單的英文祝福人人會說。還有教練精選的10個婦女節好禮指南,今年加贈一個女人笑話。
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祝大家婦女節快樂! |
1. Happy Women's Day to all the incredible women! Shine on! Not just today but every day!
2. It's Women's day! Feel special and unique on top of the world!
3. Women are always a source of inspiration for the family and society. Happy Women's Day to you!
4. I treasure you close to my heart. Here are my best wishes to you on International Women's Day 2019!
5. To the woman of my dream: you fill my days with happiness and my world with love! (三八節順便告白可寫這句)
6. Congratulations, lovely woman. Today you deserve our/my most beautiful flowers and poetry!(不能只是說說,花跟詩請拿出來)
7. Best wishes to you on this special day! Live, Laugh and Love!
8. Your smile makes my heart sing. Thank you for being so wonderful!
9. Happy women's day to you.
You are special and you know that it's true!
10. Happy Women's Day, to those who are much more wonderful than they think, with all my love.
11. Some women are lost in the fire. But you are built from it! Best wishes on Women's Day.
12. You smile and the world changes. Let the harmony and colors of spring shine in your life!
可以按照人臉訂做的餅乾模子。 cookie cutter在英文裡也有制式與缺乏創意的刻版意思。 如the cookie-cutter beauty就是指那些打扮與美感都大同小異的女生。 如:This new look marks the end of cookie-cutter beauty. |
encrusted就是鑲滿了的意思。diamond-encrusted就是鑲滿了鑽石。 墨鏡也可說sunnies(因為有兩個鏡片,都是複數喔) 如果覺得鑲滿珍珠的墨鏡很俗, 英文可以說:These sunnies look a bit tacky to me. |
慶祝婦女節,少不了Jane Austen的小說。 這本女性自覺的經典佳作,堪稱現代女性典範。 不想閱讀的人可以選擇2008年李安導演導的電影。 |
不鏽鋼去味肥皂,可以去除魚腥味還有大蒜味。 Stainless steel就是不鏽鋼,to neutralize就是中和的的意思。 odor是臭味,香味是fragrance or scent,smell則比較中立一點,就是味道的意思。 |
亞馬遜有賣辣味蜂蜜。這是任何食物的好搭擋。一罐不到十美元。 to add some zip的意思就是增添風味。 |
玫瑰色石英的刮痧棒scraper massager跟按摩滾輪roller,有種浪漫的Spa fu。 馬殺雞的英文是 massage。很累的時候可以說I need a massage. |
白茶香味的天然蠟燭,燒完後when it is burned through還可以把盒子the tin box拿來當成珠寶盒a jewelry box,應該沒有女人會拒絕這樣的禮物。 |
Nag就是嘮叨碎念。碎念紙條Nag Note很好用。 上面已經幫你勾好選項了,自己填入內容即可。老闆也可以寫這個便條給下屬。 |
上圖的便便板凳the Poop Stool/the Squatty Potty這陣子在美國很流行。 據說便便的時候,雙腳踩著這個玩意兒,可以讓排便更順暢。 The Poop Stool makes you feel like royalty. Say goodbye to constipation. (便秘) |
桌上型的香草溫室花園 a countertop greenhouse,送禮自用兩相宜。 fresh herbs 就是新鮮的香草。 |