魔鬼正在對你召喚! 心碎男的九億人生
Heartbroken man wins $30 million prize
Sandeep Singh's ex-girlfriend may
be nursing some
regrets後悔不已(用nursing都有持續一段時間的意思,如I’m still nursing a cold就是我還在持續感冒中) today, after dumping甩掉(用在男女關係中。She dumped me就是她把我甩了的意思) the
22-year-old just days before he won a $30.5 million lottery prize.
Known to his friends as
"Sunny", a beaming笑容滿面且容光煥發的 and clearly overwhelmed這當然是指此人因為重了頭彩而顯得有點難以相信 Singh told a Massachusetts Lottery press conference記者會 he'd always believed he would win.
Singh held two jobs in retail零售業(就是商店的店員) and banking to help his mother pay off her mortgage還房貸 - now his first priority首要任務 after winning the prize.
"Just pay my mum's house off
and donate some money to the community," he said, when asked for his plans
for the money.
Singh revealed the recent break-up分手when asked if there was a lucky lady who would be
sharing the proceeds(獎金)收入.
"Just broke up with her so,
nice. Thank God," he replied, quickly clarifying, "She broke up with
me. I was
heartbroken心碎 at first but... yeah, I'm getting over
When asked if he thought the girl
would come calling, he answered, "doesn't matter. I hope not."
For Singh there are now only two
girls close to
his heart心裡面最重要的人, and the $30 million prize, his
sister, who bought the ticket for him, and his mother, a widow寡婦.
"She's been working hard for
30 years," said Singh of his mother, currently a hotel cook.
Singh's father passed away in his
first year of high school, and he started working at MacDonalds at 14 to
support his family.
It's safe to say for Sunny, the
days of flipping
burgers這原本是一個煎漢堡肉片的動作,後來都引申為在速食店打工的意思 and stacking shelves這是商店店員經常會做的動作,就是將商品鋪貨上架 are well and truly over真正的結束了/宣告終結.