Your English Digest 大學畢業後,人生的挑戰才要開始。 Are you prepared for life? 看好文培養觀點。

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AS 16 million young adults set off for college 朝著大學邁進 this fall, they are looking at some frightening statistics可怕的統計數字. Despite the ever-rising cost of getting a degree不斷上漲的大學文憑費用, one number stands out like a person shouting in a campus library: According to a recent poll conducted by AfterCollege, an online entry-level job site, 83 percent of college seniors graduated without a job this spring. Even when these young people finally do get jobs, the positions are often part-time, low wage or not related to their career interests. The problem isn’t the quality of higher education in the United States, so what’s missing?
Two years ago, in a full-blown 完全真切的 panic, I asked myself this exact question when I realized that my eldest daughter, a recent college graduate, had no idea what the world was about to demand of her. She had gone to a good school and done well as a student, but had never thought about her future in a structured way, and I realized what she was missing — an education in career training.
While “career training” may sound vague模糊, if done properly it is straightforward and teaches how to get, and succeed at, a job. At most colleges this training falls under列在……之下 the purview權限/範圍 of Career Services; however, there is a major極大的 disconnect脫節/分離 between many students and this department. Earlier this year, a consulting firm, Millennial Branding, surveyed over 4,000 students and found that 61 percent said Career Services was “never” or “rarely” effective in helping them land a job找到工作.
So what can be done to make certain these young adults are being prepared for life post-graduation? The answer is simple: Colleges need to create and require for graduation, a course in career training that would begin freshman year and end senior year.
Career training must start early because getting students to decide what job they want — and teaching them how to thoroughly research that job, get internships and conduct a job search for a full-time position — is not a quick or easy task. This course would ask students to consider their skills and interests. What are they good at? What do they like to do? Then students would be taught how to thoroughly research the industries and jobs that utilize their talents. The best way to do this is by arranging dozens of one-on-one informational interviews with contacts generated from family, friends and their school’s alumni database學校的校友資料庫.
In these interviews, they would learn if the jobs they are pursuing are right for them, and they would make contacts to help them eventually land a good job.
One liberal arts school, Connecticut College offers substantial financial incentives大量金錢方面的激勵 to students who participate in its career-training program, and most students participate. One year after graduation, 96 percent of all Connecticut College alumni report that they are employed or in graduate school. Not surprisingly, this program has become a major selling point 非常大的一個賣點for the school.
Career training is also an issue of equal opportunity. Some students receive advice and professional contacts at home, but some receive nothing. Comprehensive career-training 完整且廣泛的就業訓練 would help level the playing field在求職時擁有公平的機會.
Back in the day, I received little career training in college and that was consistent with everyone I knew — regardless of where they went to school. However, the world today has become so competitive and global that we must provide our children with high-quality career training as a bridge from college to the work world.


  1. 美麗的老師,可否請教妳,關於電腦辭典。是這樣的,因為我用電腦或手機查單字,眼睛容易酸澀又分心,所以在考慮要不要買電腦辭典,但現在還有人在買電腦辭典嗎??想請問老師的意見,謝謝妳!

    1. 作者已經移除這則留言。

    2. 這邊說的電腦辭典是指「無敵CD」或是「快譯通」之類的。

    3. 師兄抱歉我一直以為我已經回覆你的問題了。但看起來並沒有。我再回答一次。其實我覺得只要您會用得到的就是有用的工具。現在我都用手機去查線上的字典,至少有網路的話就是免費的資源,但如果買得到電腦辭典,我個人覺得還是很好。我不曉得電腦辭典螢幕大不大,如果比手機大又清楚,覺得值得投資。東西買來只要有用就不會是浪費。

    4. 沒關係,我一直以為老師太忙。後來我不買了,因為之前我上網google關於電腦辭典的資訊,結果,電腦當機。我馬上了解,是護法神或佛菩薩叫我不用買。

    5. 還是非常謝謝老師的建議^^

    6. 不好意思我之前在iPad回覆你的留言,但是不曉得為何卻沒有成功。所以我以為我回覆了。不買電腦辭典也可以。手機或是平板也可以用網路版本的。

    7. 有看到留言了,感謝老師!^^





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