飢餓遊戲最終章,讓我們以閱讀英文影評為這個系列畫下完美句點。The Hunger Games is over...but you can't help hoping there's going to be a replay.

自從教練的偶像,也就是前芝加哥太陽報The Chicago Sun Times 影評人Roger Ebert過世之後,教練便很少再看影評了。在我的心目中,無論是文采還是深度,Roger Ebert都是無人能取代的。之前教練在部落格分享過多篇Ebert的影評,其中有幾篇很經典,如暮光之城系列(破曉I)就是很好的例子(點我看暮光之城破曉PartII影評)。看好的影評可以學到很多不錯的英文。教練今天去了爛番茄網站rotten tomatoes挑了幾篇影評,節錄其中幾段,在不透露劇情(其實不用說,用膝蓋猜也猜得到)的狀態下,分享一些評論的見解。

這一切終於要結束了,The Hunger Games Saga今年即將落幕。教練七十歲的母親從一個月前就在問何時可以看到完結篇?這場持續了好幾年的孝親電影之行,終於在中年宅女與青春老母的期待下接近尾聲(指電影)。有興趣閱讀之前分享的英文影評,可以點選下面這些連結。


Despite some engaging battle scenes引人入勝的戰爭場景, Mockingjay Part 2 at times becomes repetitive重複. The attack on the Capitol is overlong, featuring a protracted sequence鏡頭不斷拖延 in tunnels隧道裡面 and underground corridors地下通道. All this leads to an anticlimactic虎頭蛇尾(開高走低) ending結局 that, although it makes a strong political point about the moral ambiguity of war戰爭所引發的道德歧見, is not cinematically satisfying就電影的角度來看並不讓人滿意. The “twist轉折點” at the end is neither surprising nor unexpected. Even those who haven’t read the book will see it coming.就算沒讀過原著小說的人,也能猜得出結局
Another disappointment is the characterization of President Snow. The sneering輕蔑的, Machiavellian dictator 詭計多端的獨裁者who sought Katniss’s death throughout the first three films has been reduced to a feeble shadow虛弱的影子 of his former self. In Mockingjay Part 2, he’s almost to be pitied.幾乎引人同情 His schemes are ineffective 他的計謀完全無效  and his inevitable downfall命定的失敗 is dramatically inert超無力. Mockingjay Part 2 never goes “all in全力投入” and, as a result, it fails to satisfy as either a traditional sci-fi adventure blockbuster 賣座大片or an exploration of the dark side of war. The Hunger Games movies began with much promise一開始萬眾矚目,讓觀眾有許多期待 but after the pinnacle頂點 of Catching Fire, it has been a slog步履蹣跚(無力) to the finish line. We’re finally there and I feel more exhausted than fulfilled.
A movie review by James Berardinelli


It hurts to see the Girl on Fire go out on such a lukewarm note. The final installment 最後一集of the Hunger Games” franchise飢餓遊戲系列(通常有好幾部片的才會是franchise) manages to give us everything we’ve been waiting for and still underwhelm.未留下深刻印象 More centrally, the war of wills between Katniss and Snow — girl power 女孩力量versus patriarchal tyranny與族長獨裁者之戰 — remains as zesty精彩 as ever. But given how generic表現一般(沒有令人驚喜之處) this film’s action sequences are, 影片動作的連續鏡頭部分沒啥驚喜I’d have preferred just two hours of Lawrence and Sutherland narrowing their eyes at one another.
By Sara Stewart


Seriously now, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 is about as perfect a final chapter as any franchise can get. It hits all the right emotional notes,每一個情緒都到位 gives us a great balance of action and drama, a few good surprises, a solid ideological core意識形態核心非常具體明確 and not too much saccharine (這是代糖的英文)sweetness.假甜美
As for the acting performances, it is hard to comment on anyone other than Lawrence because, well, I don’t really even feel like I was watching the others.
She is such a captivating presence on screen在銀幕前的表現令人目眩神迷 that I can’t find the right words to sing her praises. 實在找不出什麼更好的字詞來讚美她
By Tim Martain

影片雖長,但過程還是令人大呼過癮。導演Francis Lawrence在接下前導演Gary Ross的棒子後交出了一張漂亮的成績單。飢餓遊戲系列電影才結束,便開始期待重播。

It's been a long but emotionally rewarding haul,這部片雖然拖很長,但情緒的表現確實令人滿意particularly after Francis Lawrence took over the directorial reins from Gary Ross, 從導演GR的手中接下這部片的執導工作with Lawrence utterly convincing as the reluctant heroine不願出鋒頭(被拱出來的)女英雄 forced to juggle 在此指的是出來面對並且處理the pull of her heartstrings內心深處心弦的撩撥(當然是國仇家恨與青春少女的愛恨情長啦), family loyalty and a morally driven道德驅使的 loathing憎恨 for Snow and all he represents.
The Hunger Games is over...but you can't help hoping there's going to be a replay.重播

Tim Evans


  1. Even though I do enjoy watching all the scenes come to life, and see all those crazy mind-blowing effects, but I still like the books much better since I get to imagine everything. And sometimes I just dislike how some younger fans think Jennifer Lawrence is Katniss Everdeen when Jennifer is just Jennifer and Katniss is Katniss. I'm not really sure how to say it but, it's like, the actors seem much more important than the characters, which is totally absurdly unbelievably preposterous! I've been a reader since the first book came out! Which was seven whole years ago, and I'm kind of touchy about this topic...sorry bout that hahah :) Thank you for sharing the movie reviews!

  2. Hi Sherry,

    I totally dig you because the feeling is mutual.
    That's why we should never judge a book by its movie, or in this case, I should say "never judge the books by their movies." Books are always better than the movies and the same goes for the Lord of the Ring trilogy. Our imagination is the most powerful thing and nothing can compare to that. And by the way, Jennifer Lawrence is not the "Katniss" I've imagined because she's way too sensual for me. The Katniss I've imagined is the kind of girl who's thin, lean, looks precocious and tough but not exactly the pretty type. Jennifer L. is simply too hot for me. I get distracted when I watch her for too long. Well, thanks for sharing and I hope I get to watch the movie sometime next week.





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