本周英語短篇練習:顛覆視覺的顛倒屋,晃心啦,看久了不會不蘇胡。Upside down House
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在奧地利寧靜的特芬斯山村裡漫步的人們,可能會被眼前的這棟顛倒房屋給嚇到 |
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顛倒房屋的側面,看上去有點像道具說...... |
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車庫的金龜車停在天花板上面,令人嘖嘖稱奇 |
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浴室也是顛到的,不過掛在架上的毛巾位置不對,看來不受地心引力影響呦 |
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上圖這是兒童房。參訪者走在天花板上。 |
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每一個參觀的人都跟我有一樣的疑慮,那就是,黏在天花板上的家具會不會突然掉下來? |
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顛覆視覺的顛倒屋,讓參訪者透過另外一種視野去看事物也不錯。 |
Down House
Imagine you are walking around the quiet, mountain village of Terfens,
Austria. As you enjoy the views of the beautiful landscape, something odd
catches your eye. Right in front of you is a house that looks as if it had
fallen out of the sky and landed on its roof. The house is completely upside
However, it is not just the building that is upside down. When you walk inside, the tables and chairs are hanging above you. The beds and closets are upside down, too. There is even a car that is parked upside down in the garage. Everything that should be on the floor is above you, and the things that should be over your head are at your feet. Creations like the upside down house can really make you look at things in a whole new way.
However, it is not just the building that is upside down. When you walk inside, the tables and chairs are hanging above you. The beds and closets are upside down, too. There is even a car that is parked upside down in the garage. Everything that should be on the floor is above you, and the things that should be over your head are at your feet. Creations like the upside down house can really make you look at things in a whole new way.
landscape n. 風景,景色
completely adv. 完全地,徹底地
I was completely impressed with Ann's speech about love and understanding.
garage n. 車庫
creation n. 創作品;創作
completely adv. 完全地,徹底地
I was completely impressed with Ann's speech about love and understanding.
garage n. 車庫
creation n. 創作品;創作
Hi Teacher,
回覆刪除完成了曠世鉅作, 終於看到您完整的學習步驟 從 1~8 說明及後面跟述的特別提醒.
"The upside down house can really make you look at things in a whole new way."
Yes, Tom, we sometimes need to look at things in a whole new way.
回覆刪除n'est pas? isn't it?
回覆刪除昨晚看到冬季奧運閉幕式時,看到顛倒屋的佈景,立刻想起這篇練習文. 老師太神了. 呵呵.