世界尚未毀滅,同志仍須努力(唸英文啦) The world didn't end and now what?!

2012 End-of-the-World Based on Mayan Calendar




1.      媒體炒作末日,是造成集體情緒崩潰collective mass psychosis的元兇。

2.      電影世界末日裡面描繪的山崩地裂,到今天大家都還無法釋懷。CNN做了一則新聞,內容指出,按照網路搜尋引擎的統計,2009年之後,搜尋末日這個字apocalypse的次數突然暴增。

3.      大家懷著倒屬的心情來迎接地球的毀滅,於是出現了很多詭異的狀況。第一個是doomsday prepper突然自世界各冒出來。啥是doomsday prepper呢?這是一群成天杞人憂天,試圖透過囤積資糧,每天都在準備末日來時的人。有的人辭掉了工作,打造諾亞方舟,有人挖地洞,反正各種因應之道百百種。末日預言英文為doomsday prophecy

4.      除了有人杞人憂天,也有人身體力行,mass suicide cult就是完全相信末日之說的教派,大家透過集體自殺的方式迎接末日來臨。

5.      大多數的馬雅人對於末日預言被胡亂做文章,都感到很生氣。因為他們認為大多數的人都誤解了他們祖先傳下來的曆法。很多人覺得可笑且不被尊重most think that it’s a dishonor/disrespect to their culture,對於全球各地的恐慌嗤之以鼻。

6.      有一篇報導指出,誰最適合拯救地球?答案是曾經在系列電影異形Alien裡面飾演勇猛剛毅的女主角Siguorney Weaver(雪歌妮薇佛)與禿頭硬漢大叔布魯斯威利Bruce Willis最值得信賴。

7.      如果地球不會在今天毀滅,馬雅人的曆法也從沒說過地球會毀滅,那大家到底在瘋啥?What’s all the hype? 說穿了除了媒體嚇死我們,好多爭取一點收視率/點閱率/銷售率之外,好像也沒什麼別的原因。

8.      還有人去猜測地球的滅亡方式。從zombie invasion僵屍入侵到meteor colliding with earth隕石撞地球都有。

下面這篇文章,節錄自美國abc news一年前所寫的一報導,我節錄了其中一部份。現在回頭來看當時的報導,另有一種感觸。其實當時就有學者強調不必驚慌了,可是越是這樣呼籲,大家好像反而越害怕。嗯我看咱們還是趁著地球尚未毀滅之前,先把這篇文章看完再說吧。


The countdown to the apocalypse is on.末日倒數繼續著(記得這是一年前的文章啦)

We’re one year away from Dec. 21, 2012, the date that the ancient Mayan Long Count calendar allegedly marked as the end of an era that would reset the date to zero and signal the end of humanity.(這可能是記者引述他人說法的誤導報導,因為根據專家學者的說法,這一天不是人類的末日it’s not the end of humanityinstead, it’s the end of a cycle. 只是一個循環的結束罷了)

But will it?

There have been many end of times predictions over the years. Christian radio host Harold Camping faced widespread ridicule被大眾嘲諷挖苦揶揄 when his predictions that the world would end twice this year – on May 21, and then on Oct. 21 – failed to materialize(就是沒有實現的意思).大家看看,之前美國一個基督教電台的主持人,也曾預言過兩次世界末日,結果都沒有實現(好失望捏…)之後這個主持人當然被損得很慘。

But in the flurry of doomsday predictions令人感到驚惶激動的末日預言 – there have been similar dire warnings about the world coming to an end from various cultures, including Native Americans, the Chinese, Egyptians and even the Irish — the supposed Mayan prophecy seems to have held the most sway with believers.其實末日預言各國都有,但是馬雅預言最廣被採信。

The Mayan civilization, which reached its height攀至高峰 from 300 A.D. to 900 A.D., had a talent for astronomy擅長天文學. Advanced mathematics and primitive astronomy flourished, creating what many have called the most accurate calendar in the world.因為馬雅文明以天象及數學見長,因此他們的曆法堪稱最精準。

Their Long Count calendar begins in 3,114 B.C., marking time in roughly 394-year periods known as Baktuns. Thirteen was a significant, sacred number for the Mayas, and they wrote that the 13th Baktun ends on Dec. 21, 2012.

The doomsday theories stem from a stone tablet 石碑discovered in the 1960s at the archaeological site考古區域 of Tortuguero in the Gulf of Mexico state of Tabasco that describes the return of a Mayan god at the end of a 13th period.這一段解釋了馬雅的末日預言是怎麼開始的。

“The Maya are viewed by many westerners as exotic folks that were supposed to have had some special, secret knowledge,” said Mayan scholar Sven Gronemeyer. “What happens is that our expectations and fears get projected on the Maya calendar.” 這句話說的好。其實西方人對於馬雅文明一直有著某種奇想,所以這些年來就把他們的想像、期待與恐懼都投射在這個文化相關的事物上。馬雅曆法就是最好的証明。

Gronemeyer, of La Trobe University in Australia, compares the supposed Mayan prophecies to the “Y2K” hype千禧蟲恐慌, when people feared all computer systems would crash電腦壞掉的英文不是broken這個動詞,請用crash when the new millennium began on Jan. 1, 2000.這邊提到了十二年前的千禧蟲危機。

 “Human beings seem to be attracted by apocalyptic ideas and always assume the worst,” Gronemeyer said. 專家表示,大眾好像對於末日這種說法感到非常著迷,而且總是做最壞打算。

In southern Mexico, the heart of Maya territory, a yearlong celebration is planned. Mexico’s tourism agency expects to draw 52 million visitors by next year only to the regions of Chiapas, Yucatan, Quintana Roo, Tabasco and Campeche. All of Mexico usually lures about 22 million foreigners in a year.所最後地球會不會毀滅不知道,但是墨西哥南部的馬雅遺址倒是吸引不少觀光客前往,讓當地政府大賺觀光財。

The world will not end. It is an era,” said Yeanet Zaldo, a tourism spokeswoman for the Caribbean state of Quintana Roo, home to Cancun. “For us, it is a message of hope.好啦,當地的觀光局的發言人終於開口了,對於當地的馬雅後代而言,這不是世界末日,而是一個充滿希望的開始。

ABC News’ Susan Donaldson James and The Associated Press contributed to part of  this story.




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