The Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn 暮光之城 破曉 Part II

人鬼合體再戰票房!Roger Ebert的影評又來了。千呼萬喚再使出來,這回吸血鬼完結篇演完,大夥兒都可以躺回棺材好好休息了。


1. bite the bullet
2. loophole
3. thanatophile
4. final installment
5. movie franchise
6. back to back
7. hand-to-hand(paw) combat
8. to practice abstinence
9. half-breed
10. the Lock Ness Monster

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2
BY ROGER EBERT / November 14, 2012

距離我上回整理並上傳暮光之城part I影評,已經有超過一年的時間。這一次知名美國影評人,也是我最喜愛的作家Roger Ebert再度有始有終地把下集part II也看完,然後寫了影評讓吸血鬼的故事好好落幕。與上集相較,這一部片感覺上就是個四平八穩,好像是為了給普天下廣大愛好暮光之城系列的讀者一個交代罷了。影評人評論起來少了點熱情,不過多了些爆笑結論。


我非常喜歡Ebert(羅傑叔叔)的文章,所以這次的part II自然不能缺席。請喜歡這部電影或是熱愛閱讀英文的各位多多捧場,不曉得是否能夠再造去年的熱門點選紀錄。



If for no other reason, "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2" deserves credit for providing the takeaway dialogue line of the year: "Nessie? You named my baby after the Loch Ness Monster尼斯湖水怪?" Since the infant has been named Renesmee, what mother would so mistake her infant's nickname?
There are other laughs as this fifth and finally final installment完結篇 grinds to a conclusion, but "Breaking Dawn, Part 2" must be one of the more serious entries in any major movie franchise系列影片. I suspect its audience, which takes these films very seriously indeed, will drink deeply of its blood喜愛這部片的影迷都已經中毒很深了,所以幾乎已經跟吸血鬼同流,才會有drink deeply of its blood這種說法. The sensational closing sequence cannot be accused of leaving a single loophole, not even some we didn't know were there.
熱鬧的大結局電影有著忠實影迷虎視眈眈的監督,所以一點漏洞都不能有,即便大多影迷不熟悉的細節,導演也不能凸槌。這裡有個好字,loophole就是漏洞的意思。昨天上過介系詞的同學,看到了嗎?to be accused of來見客了。
這部片一開場就緊緊接著上一部結束的場景。導演是兩部片連續著一起拍的。英文的back to back就是兩部連續(中間沒間隔)的意思。女主角在生完孩子之後醒來。話鋒一轉,提到孩子的爸爸是誰?當然就是臉色蒼白的吸血鬼男主角艾德花,這邊影評人發揮了一點幽默本質,馬上說,關於孩子的父親,咱們還是甭提了唄英文就是but let's not get into that。通常英文會這樣說,都代表著因為很不堪的關係,所以還是甭提的好。看過part I 影評的同學一定還記得,當時影評人對於人與吸血鬼激烈的性愛有著令人莞爾的描述,且人鬼交合還可以繁衍出下一代,這個就有點既然無法自圓其說,又找不出合理性,乾脆就別提了。總之,孩子生出來了,有了後代就有戲唱,讓我們繼續看下去

This movie begins right after "Part 1" ended, and indeed director Bill Condonshot the films
back to back兩部連續. Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) awakens after giving birth to little Renesmee (Mackenzie Foy), the half-human, half-vampire daughter who was fathered by — but let's not get into that還是甭提吧. Having now been fully transformed into a vampire to prevent her death in childbirth, Bella also has been miraculously transformed into a much more interesting character, physically superb and emotionally uninhibited.女主角上集因為難產,差點賠了性命,為了救她的命,男主角將人類老婆變成了吸血鬼,成了鬼后的貝拉,醒來之後便成了強力女超人,無論是心靈與身體都變得更勇。

We see the new Bella in an entertaining sequence when her husband, Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson),
takes her on a test drive, so to speak, as a vampire這句描述有趣,意思是讓她試試變身後的自己,測試一下超能力(跟上路試車一樣). She can run from place to place instantaneously即刻, see details of nature in great and speeded-up detail視力變得超強,看東西能看得超清楚更細節(此為凡人所不能及啊), win in hand-to-paw combat with a mountain lion徒手搏擊打贏山獅(我的天真是夠嗆) and has a taste for blood超級嗜血. That point is made in a scene when she and Edward see a mountain climber slip and dangle from his rope. In a flash傾刻間, she's climbing the mountain barehanded空手/徒手, and my hopelessly idealistic assumption好傻好天真地以為 is that she was racing to save his life. Not precisely.

Edward shows Bella their new
honeymoon cottage蜜月小屋, which unlike most brides, she decides is "perfect" even before looking inside. When she does, it's stocked with wall to wall books, and you'll never guess which one she eventually takes down from its shelf. Never ever.這邊有個廠景,浪漫的蜜月小屋裡面有著滿滿的藏書,不過影評很毒啦,從頭到尾都沒看過男女主角拿過一本書來讀,顯然這些書籍只是放著好看。Never ever, 一次都沒有,門兒都沒有。

Edward and Bella spend a great deal of time posed around a living room with such as Jacob (Taylor Lautner), Emmett (Kellan Lutz), and
a roll call of other major vampires一長串吸血鬼主角們(數目太多,多到連鬼都記不起來到底有哪些鬼) (the movie ends with photo credits for every actor in the series電影結束後乾脆來個吸血鬼圖文對照,省得大家事後想破頭,都還是搞不清楚有哪些鬼). They exchange a great deal more dialogue than I required, but students of the Stephenie Meyer novels, who made this 700-page-plus volume a best-seller, really like that stuff, I guess.這邊影評說,這一集男女主角跟其他主角在客廳中不斷交換對話(內容對劇情推演沒啥幫助)不過這些細節應該可以滿足忠實讀者,因為這套暢銷巨加起來有七百多頁,讀者應該會非常喜歡類似的無趣但非常細節的表現。


The depiction of little Renesmee is rather curious. I learn that special effects were modeled on the actress to age her, and sometimes she looks a little curious to me. Also to her grandfather, Charlie Swan (Billy Burke), who observes, "My, how you've grown! You must be six inches taller!" And so she seems, although by my reckoning, it happened between Thanksgiving and Christmas. A human child like that, you take to see a specialist.

All leads up to
a fraught焦慮/令人擔憂 climax between the Washington State vampires and the leaders, an Italian-based group named the Volturi, presented with some of the same trappings有的沒的陣仗 as an order of monks. They seem to be in charge of the vampire world, and are concerned that their secrets will get out now that a half-breed 半人半鬼has been born among them. They're led by Aro (Michael Sheen), who even among top vampires, has an impressive presence.


Look, the "Twilight" series is not my thing不是我的菜. As I wrote of "Twilight" (2008), "It's about a teenage boy trying to practice abstinence實踐禁慾, and how, in the heat of the moment, it's really, really hard. And about a girl who wants to go all the way with him and doesn't care what might happen. He's so beautiful she would do anything for him. She is the embodiment of the sentiment感性化身, 'I'd die for you.' She is, like many adolescents, a thanatophile."

最後影評表示,就一部完結篇而言,這部片其實拍得不壞。對於投資的電影公司而言,金雞母就這樣沒了(想想哈利波特也是這樣),應該是件很傷感的事情吧。這邊用了一句成語,叫做bite the bullet,大家可以學起來,這成語的意思是,忍痛去做某件事情(也就是說,影迷不捨算什麼?電影公司才傷心咧!)

不過該賺的錢也賺飽了,該要的結局也有了。終究暮光之城在2012年世界末日前率先落幕,粉絲走出戲院的時候應該會感到非常滿意。能讓廣大的粉絲回味無窮,其實也足夠了。To bring something to a close就是畫下句點的意思

I have now seen something like 10 hours about these vampires as they progress through immortality, and I'd rather see either version of "Nosferatu" that many times. I must admit if you're going to bring the series to a close, "Part 2" does it about as well as it can be done. It must be hard for Summit Entertainment to drop the final curtain on a series that has grossed billions, but it bit the bullet, and I imagine fans will be pleased.


  1. Hi~老師~

    想問一下 loophloe是不是應該是loophole?

    thanks: )

  2. Hi Kiki,






Resolve and solve 有什麼不同?該怎麼用?一分鐘搞懂!


最美麗的英文字 Serendipity ,是翻譯者最不想碰的難題。Looking for one thing: finding another...

一分鐘搞懂英文,different from 跟 different than 哪個對?

一分鐘搞懂英文,Good at, good in, good with差別跟用法絕對不再搞錯!

Vegan 跟 vegetarian 其實不同派。關於各種「飲食派」的英文,這篇全介紹!吃素好處多,吃素可以救地球!


In contrast, by contrast 意思一樣嗎? 教練的簡易提點讓你一分鐘搞懂!