每一年差不多這個時期,就會一直看見跟「福袋」還有「刮刮樂」Scratch and win lottery相關的新聞。其實這兩個東西雖然跟台灣的過年文化很有關係,但福袋這個名詞源自於日本,刮刮樂則是台灣人的過年傳統(炒作出來的)。今天有同學問教練,福袋的英文是不是Lucky bag?
言歸正傳,那福袋的英文,是不是lucky bag呢?
They're called Fukubukuro福袋 - and at the start of each new year, thousands of people in Japan queue up for hours to get their hands on them.
These "lucky bags" are essentially mystery goodies bags that contain anything from clothes to food, depending on the store selling them.
看到lucky bags被引號框起來,就曉得這是針對日文稱呼的英文翻譯啦。
英美人士都稱這種福袋為mystery goodies bags。goodies 指的就是吸引人的小東西,多半是糖果小玩具之類的玩意兒。
They started out as a way for Japanese department stores to get rid of old stock at the start of the year, but now have become an annual craze nationwide.
「福袋」的正確英文就是Mystery bag。除了a mystery bag之外,也有人說a blind bag/pack (瞎包)
A mystery bag: a bag that contains randomly picked products. The items in the bag are usually non-specific (a mixed selection of products selected by the supplier)
上面是福袋的英文說明與解釋。相較於mystery bag這種說法,非正式的英文(很常用到的),還有a blind bag 或 a lucky dip.
像上圖這種lucky dip就是小福袋,因為要人隨手一抓,所以得名。大家看圖就秒動啦。
最後要介紹的是,Mystery bags有時候會被幼兒園教師拿來當成教學的教具。可能一個袋子裡面裝了很多物件或題目,讓小朋友抽一個然後就題目來發揮。
The excitement of not knowing
福袋的魅力 ╴是未知讓人驚喜!
Sales for Fukubukuro open every year on 1 January, and they're typically sold across the entire first week of January, or until they run out.
For many, it isn't the new year without a Fukubukuro.
It's unclear how exactly the Fukubukuro originated - there are multiple stories told - but one version says they were sold as early the 1900s when department stores started cropping up in Japan.
The department stores, it is said, wanted to get rid of their stock before the start of the new year and so decided to sell mystery bags filled with random leftover goods at a sizeable discount.
Today, department stores around Japan and even global chains like Starbucks and Armani have jumped on the trend.
Bags are now no longer filled with random leftovers, but are usually stacked with premium objects that would be significantly more expensive if bought separately.
The costs range from a few dollars to a few hundred dollars.
Many queue up for hours in front of their favourite stores just to get their hands on a Fukubukuro, as they are usually sold only in limited amounts.
Mystery bag!! 原來如此 謝謝老師