English idioms in use. 全新 - 常用的英文成語不用多,關鍵的幾個就能讓你看電影跟聽新聞都沒障礙。
圖表整理:Chloe 教練 |
學習語文質重於量Quality is more important than quantity,關鍵不在於你背了幾個單字,而是你能駕馭多少自己學習過的內容。本周我們來學五個常用的英文成語,教練在課堂上有提過一些,今天透過情境練習,讓你快快上手。
1. I'm in two minds about this
I'm in two minds about accepting this new job because even though it pays really well, the hours are too long.
2. You've hit the nail on the head
You've hit the nail on the head when you said that her career had been greatly affected by her low self-esteem.
3. To play devil's advocate
I'll all for universal health care, but I'll play devil's advocate in asking how the government intends to fund such a massive undertaking.
4. You took the words right out of my mouth
I agree with you 100%! You took the words right out of my mouth.
5. to be on the same page
Before we make any decisions today, I'd like to first make sure that everyone in this room is on the same page.
謝謝老師分享~我是多年前哈佛補習班的學生 祝老師新年快樂一切平安 :D