冬天的烏來美如仙境。不泡溫泉純走山也可以。Things to do in Wulai besides enjoying the hot spring
The Wulai trolley bus station is one of the major attractions. The short and fun ride will make your day trip to the mountains worthwhile. However, the lines are really looooooooong. |
搭台車可以抵達烏來纜車的位置,一趟車程50元,冬天去搭台車很不錯。 教練因為有潔癖不敢泡溫泉,就當健行行程。 |
瀑布下溪水的顏色真的很漂亮。 The color of the water is simply unbelievable. |
夜晚的烏來吊橋,有多色LED炫彩會定時變化光線。 The Wulai suspension bridge. Honestly, I think the lights make the bridge look a bit tacky. |
比起碧潭的吊橋,烏來的好像是瘦身之後的size。這邊的吊橋不太晃,怕晃的人不用擔心。 This bridge doesn't sway that much. Give it a try. |
吊橋很窄。晚上遊客都跑光了。哈哈。 Visit Wulai if you haven't already. |