本周英語聽力短篇,來自地獄的伊媚兒。Email from hell.



From Apple Daily常春藤美語


Email From Hell
Mr. Jones lived in Canada. It was really cold and snowy one winter, so he decided to take a vacation to sunny Florida. His wife was on a business trip, but she would meet him there when she finished.
As soon as Mr. Jones got to the hotel, he sent his wife an email. Unfortunately, he typed in the wrong email address. His email was accidentally sent to an elderly woman whose husband had just passed away the day before.
When the woman checked her email, she screamed and passed out. Her family rushed into the room and read the words on the screen:

Dearest Wife,
Just got checked in. Everything is ready when you get here tomorrow.
PS It sure is hot down here.


snowy a. 多雪的;積雪的
The children had fun playing in the snowy field.
type in... (用鍵盤)鍵入……
To log on the website, you need to type in your username and password.
accidentally adv. 意外地
pass out  昏過去,暈倒
Dora almost passed out when she heard that her son was seriously injured in an accident. 





Resolve and solve 有什麼不同?該怎麼用?一分鐘搞懂!


最美麗的英文字 Serendipity ,是翻譯者最不想碰的難題。Looking for one thing: finding another...

一分鐘搞懂英文,different from 跟 different than 哪個對?

一分鐘搞懂英文,Good at, good in, good with差別跟用法絕對不再搞錯!

Vegan 跟 vegetarian 其實不同派。關於各種「飲食派」的英文,這篇全介紹!吃素好處多,吃素可以救地球!


In contrast, by contrast 意思一樣嗎? 教練的簡易提點讓你一分鐘搞懂!