
我最喜愛的Roger 大叔又來了。我喜歡看影評,更喜歡羅傑叔叔Roger Ebert寫的影評。我的部落格點閱率最高的文章,都是影評(暮光之城有兩千多次),所以透過影評學英文也是好方式。(你可以一邊吃便當一邊看這篇文章,也不會消化不良)

這次的007電影Skyfall(空降危機)口碑不惡,票房更是亮眼。大家要知道龐德在銀幕上喝啤酒,這都要怪電影公司米高梅傳出財務危機,不得不尋求贊助。很多人之前還擔心將來再也看不到007系列了,而且上一部「量子危機」又徹底給拍爛掉,成為很多龐德迷心中不堪回首的遺憾。空降危機這部片是007第二十三部片,也是龐德影片系列50周年紀念。走過半個世紀,片商排除萬難推出高質感電影,除了男主角Daniel Craig的精湛表現之外,導演山姆曼德斯Sam Mendes也居功厥偉。這部片上映的時機點不錯,票房數字很漂亮,羅傑叔叔更認為,這部片的表現超越了「007的皇家夜總會」,大家如果這陣子閒來沒事,不如去戲院湊熱鬧。因為要享受極致聲光特效,還是得看大螢幕不是嗎
Some of the audio and visual effects are meant  be appreciated on the big screen.


1. a beloved cultural icon 摯愛的(文化)偶像(如龐德這類出生入死的英雄)
2. to take full possession of a role 精準掌控或是詮釋某個角色
3. he is growing on me 一開始不喜歡,但是越看越對眼
4. silhouette 剪影
5. absurd stunt 荒謬的特技(不把人類體能極限與地心引力考慮在內的特技)
6. dead-serious 不茍言笑的/極為嚴肅的
7. a human shield 人肉盾牌
8. the stakes are very high 風險非常高
9. to compose an obituary 撰寫一篇訃聞
10. to convene a public hearing 召開一個公聽會
11. to defend her tenure 替自己的職位做出辯解(解釋不好就下台)
12. it’s time for a generation to be put out to pasture 長江後浪推前浪(前浪死在沙灘上)
13. invigorating 令人感到振奮或是激賞
14. a bleached blond 被漂成金色的頭髮
15. screen time 銀幕上出現的時間(戲份)
16. magalomanic 自大狂
17. to jump back in 再度回鍋(加入的行列)
18. heavyweight 重量級
19. computer whiz 電腦天才
20. in good operating condition 狀況依舊很好


BY ROGER EBERT / November 7, 2012

In this 50th year of the James Bond series, with the dismal令人失望/軟趴趴的 "Quantum of Solace量子危機" (2008) still in our minds, "Skyfall" triumphantly reinvents 007 in one of the best Bonds ever.影評恭維這部片成功地再次賦予龐德新生命,使這次的龐德成為系列電影中最棒的一個。 This is a full-blooded充滿活力, joyous, intelligent celebration of a beloved cultural icon文化偶像, with Daniel Craig taking full possession of a role充分掌握這個角色的精隨 he earlier played well in "Casino Royale黃家夜總會," not so well in "Quantum" -- although it may not have been entirely his fault(量子危機這部片惡評如潮,不過影評人覺得這不全然是男主角的錯). Or is it just that he's growing on me?越看他越對眼(it grows on me指的是一開始不見得有好感,但是經過一段時間之後,就越來越喜歡了。你可以說Taipei is a city that grows on me)
 I don't know what I expected. I don't know what I expected in Bond No. 23, but certainly not an experience this invigorating令人振奮或激賞的.(所以羅傑叔叔一開始不抱希望,看完後喜出望外)
The movie's innovations begin in its first shots這部電影成功跳脫了傳統龐德電影的框架,從第一幕就給觀眾無窮震撼, which abandon the familiar stalking silhouettes in the iris lens導演捨棄龐德電影系列的視覺老梗,(就是黑色剪影人出現在光圈鏡頭裡面的典型007片頭,) and hit the ground running.直截來幹架 Bond and another agent are in Istanbul伊斯坦堡, chasing a man who has stolen a crucial hard drive重要的硬碟, and after a chase through city streets (involving no less than很多 three Fruit Cart Scenes)追撞打翻水果攤這種梗還是來一點比較道地啦, 007 is running on top of a train. We know from earlier films that Bond can operate almost anything龐德什麼都會駕駛, but "Skyfall" incredibly has him commandeer a giant Caterpillar成為火車駕駛員。(Caterpillar是毛毛蟲,一節一節的車廂類似毛蟲) and continue the chase by crushing撞爛a flatcar載運貨櫃的火車 filled with VW Beetles(福斯的金龜車).

It's the kind of
absurd stunt離譜的特技(就是完全違抗地心引力與物理原則的特技) we expect in a Bond movie(大家來戲院捧場,為的就是要看這些不可思議的特效不是嗎?), but this one 不過這部片不只有這些特技而已,還有relies on仰賴 something unexpected: a dead-serious極其嚴肅的 M (Judi Dench), following the action from MI6 in London and making a fateful decision攸關命運的決定. After an enemy agent敵對幹員 grabs Bond as a human shield人肉盾牌, M's other agent, Eve (Naomie Harris), has both men in her gun sights. The stakes are very high風險非常高. "Take the shot!" M commands. Bond seems to die, although since this happens around the 20-minute mark這一幕出現再電影開始之後差不多二十分鐘左右, we're not very surprised that he doesn't.

M begins to
compose the obituary撰寫訃聞 of Commander James Bond, and she might as well also be writing her own. Time has passed her by, she's older, and her new boss, Mallory (Ralph Fiennes), convenes a public hearing召開了一個公聽會 requiring her to defend her tenureM為自己的決定與行為辯解(看她能不能就此保住官位). It's time for a generation to be put out to pasture要讓(前輩)後浪死在沙灘上(長江後浪推前浪). Even Q and, as it turns out, Miss Moneypenny are practically kids.

M is not quite ready to retire(M
不打算退休,她雖老,但不是省油的燈), and "Skyfall" at last provides a role worthy of Judi Dench(這部片提供了Judy Dench極佳的發揮機會), one of the best actors of her generation. She is all but the co-star of the film, with a lot of screen time戲份非常多, poignant dialogue辛辣與尖銳的對白, and a character who is far more complex and sympathetic than we expect in this series. The film is guided by a considerable director (Sam Mendes), written by the heavyweights編劇都是重量級 Neal Purvis, Robert Wade and John Logan, and delivers not only a terrific Bond but a terrific movie, period. If you haven't seen a 007 for years, this is the time to jump back in之前對龐德影片失望的人,現在是回鍋喝采的時候了.

There's a theory that you can grade the Bonds on the quality of their villains. In "Skyfall," this is a cerebral megalomanic極度聰明的自大狂(maglomanic是某種偏執狂表現形式) named Silva, played by Javier Bardem, whose unpronounceable Anton Chigurh in "No Country for Old Men" approached the high-water mark of表現直逼 Hannibal Lecter(這一句話是在解釋反叛演員Javier Bardem之前在另外一部片中的表現,冷酷而鎮定的表現直逼食人魔漢尼拔。漢尼拔醫生是沉默的羔羊電影中的變態天才罪犯). Here he plays a bleached blond這部片中,他頂著被漂成金色的頭髮 computer whiz飾演一個電腦天才 who stole the drive containing the guarded identities of every MI6 agent. Are we supposed to think of Julian Assange?(這個反派讓影評羅傑叔叔聯想到Assange。這傢伙是誰大家曉得嗎?2010年因為維基洩密而紅極一時的澳洲記者阿桑奇,是維基解密的董事)影評覺得這個角色的靈感可能來自於阿桑奇。(阿桑奇也是一頭白毛,跟劇中的反派在外型上很類似)

This is a brand-new Bond with love and respect for the old Bond新龐德儘管散發著當代精神,但是本片中,他的一舉一動,都有著舊龐德的影子,某種程度上也是捍衛傳承、向龐德精神致敬的一種方式。.This is dramatized during Bond's visit to the weathered Scottish mansion凋零老舊的蘇格蘭宅邸 inhabited by Kincade (Albert Finney), which has secrets to divulge有祕密要被揭露出來 and continues the movie's rewriting of the character's back story. During the early Bonds, did we ever even ask ourselves about 007's origins in life(龐德的生世)? "Skyfall" even produces a moment designed to inspire love in Bond fans: a reappearance of the Aston Martin DB5 from "Goldfinger," which remains in good operating condition.這一句的意思是,導演為了表達龐德精神的傳承之意,還特別將之前出現在龐德系列影片「金手指」的知名英國汽車Aston Martins DB5拿出來獻寶。金手指是1964的電影,所以這部車子已經是老爺車了,但由於保養得當,依舊有著昔日風華。
Just as Christopher Nolan gave rebirth to the Batman movies in "The Dark Knight," here is James Bond
lifted up, dusted off, set back on his feet and ready for another 50 years這句話對龐德是莫大的恭維啊!中文的意思就是「重新振作,以煥然一新之姿呈現出最佳狀態的龐德,再繼續演半個世紀都沒問題」(希望男主角好好保養,不然不曉得能不能撐五十年).

我記得我上回閱讀羅傑叔叔對於黑暗騎士這部片的影評時,他是真心稱許導演Christopher Nolan的功力。這次把007空降危機這部片的表現跟黑暗騎士放在一起,就表示這兩個導演(Nolan Mendes)都有辦法在舊瓶裝新酒之餘,賦予舊角色新的精神。不耍老梗,讓人耳目一新。



  1. 有時侯,深度解析的影評比電影本身更好看。


  2. 這部真的很好看!!!

  3. 還要記得去看李安的少年Pi的奇幻漂流喔

  4. Hi Teacher,

    "full-blooded" , 套句在台灣的通俗說法 : 直譯 "熱血", 似乎也通吧 !

    You are an full -blooded English teacher , and I am a serious student as well . ha~

    2014. 2月底 , 本網站, 就要上看 40 萬點閱人數 lo.


  5. Hi Tom,






Resolve and solve 有什麼不同?該怎麼用?一分鐘搞懂!


最美麗的英文字 Serendipity ,是翻譯者最不想碰的難題。Looking for one thing: finding another...

一分鐘搞懂英文,different from 跟 different than 哪個對?

一分鐘搞懂英文,Good at, good in, good with差別跟用法絕對不再搞錯!

Vegan 跟 vegetarian 其實不同派。關於各種「飲食派」的英文,這篇全介紹!吃素好處多,吃素可以救地球!
