Hoshino/AFP/Getty Images
Mugly, a Chinese crested
dog中國冠毛犬 from the United Kingdom won the
2012 World's
Ugliest Dog contest世界醜狗大賽 at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in
Petaluma, Calif., on Friday.
Living up to his name絕非浪得虛名, Mugly has won the title of World's Ugliest Dog.
Like many of the
previous title
holders獲獎者, Mugly is a Chinese crested. It's a
breed known for being mostly hairless and prone to a few conditions that
can make the tiny dogs heavyweights in an ugly contest.這句話的意思是,這種狗天生就是醜,所以是最有實力獲得醜狗大賽冠軍的參賽者。
Eight-year-old Mugly,
however, is already a champ(此為champion的縮寫,意思就是冠軍,勝利者的意思). Owner Bev Nicholson from Peterborough, England, claims he was named
Britain's ugliest dog in 2005, as the AP says.原來這條狗在獲得今年美國舉行的世界醜狗大賽冠軍前,早在七年前就已經得過在英國舉辦的醜狗大賽,所以可說是醜名遠播。
"I think that he is
the most beautiful dog from the inside out由裡到外 and want the world to know that too," she told her local newspaper,
the Peterborough
Telegraph. "He will be flying the
flag for旗正飄飄 all British doggies that are
challenged in the beauty department."這條狗如此之醜,醜狗典範的頭銜當之無愧,對所有英國的醜狗來說,Mugly(發音跟ugly很像)的確具有代表性,旗正飄飄flying the flag正是發揚光大,為國爭光的意思啊。
A few oddly placed
whiskers嘴邊的觸鬚不按牌理出牌的亂長一通 and teeth seemed to
be his secret for winning醜牙更是奪魁的利器 the annual competition in Northern California on
Friday. Looking at his 29 competitors
from around the world, it must have been a tough choice.這邊主筆的記者發揮了幽默感,因為今年參賽的狗兒隻隻都其醜無比,對於評審而言,冠軍抉擇確實不容易。
Contest host and pet psychic寵物的通靈師(宣稱可以與死去或是活著的狗兒溝通) Sonya Fitz apparently conducted an
interview round with the contestants. On the contest site
she reports the dogs "loved the attention they were receiving and didn't
mind the 'ugly' label one bit."按照通靈師的說法,她有透過特殊能力與這些參賽的狗兒溝通,按照她的說法,這些狗兒超愛選醜大賽,對於外表不但不感到自卑,還會因為鎂光燈與大眾對他們所投注的關注,而感到飄飄然哩。所以說牠們醜,牠們才不在乎咧!