大家來看電影! 黑影家族 (舊瓶裝新酒,可惜喝不醉)

黑影家族Dark Shadows其實是老片重拍。
之前我有提過的我的偶像Roger Ebert
導演Tim Burton美術眼光確實非常獨到
言歸正傳,下面這張就是Roger的照片(before he got cancer)

Rober Ebert, the venerable wordsmith.


來個movie trailor(預告片)吧
Have fun reading!

Dark Shadows 黑影家族
BY ROGER EBERT / May 9, 2012

Tim Burton's "Dark Shadows" is all dressed up with nowhere to go虛有其表(視覺特效亮眼卻缺乏內涵)如果你打扮得很正式,可是卻哪裡也不去,那不是很可惜嗎?影評用這種說法來形容本片,就是華而不實。電影的視覺做得令人目眩神迷,可是沒有劇情來加分, an elegant production without a central drive. It offers wonderful things, but they aren't what's important. It's as if Burton directed at arm's length沒有放情感進去(徒有形式 at arm’s length的原意是保持距離,好避免產生感情或是麻煩), unwilling to find juice賦予劇情內涵 in the story. Yes, the original TV soap opera is a cult classic經典(這部電影是老片新拍,前身是四十年前一齣很有名的肥皂劇,唉,吸血鬼大家都很愛啊…), but he approaches his "Dark Shadows" as an amusing trifle這邊是指片子有些片段或是小地方還挺幽默的,可是似乎欠缺真正紮實的內容, and for a feature-length film1畢竟肥皂劇一集只有三十分鐘,可是一部電影要撐兩個小時,光是小地方好笑看久了還是很空虛, we need more than attitude to sink our teeth in這邊是雙關語,to sink one’s teeth in 本來是指很投入,被吸引,因為本片與吸血鬼有關,所以故意用這種說法(吸血鬼用獠牙一口將牙齒給陷進去。)也就是說要吸引觀眾的注意,目標對象也得精采有點意思,不然真的沒搞頭.
The gripping early scenes此指一開場的幾幕其實頗有看頭 create expectations the movie doesn't satisfy可是馬上就後繼無力了. We learn the early history of the Collins family in America, which would create a fishing dynasty漁業王朝(帝國) and spawn孕育了 the vampire Barnabas Collins (Johnny Depp)男主角. Burton is famous for his visuals提姆波頓導演以視覺特效見長, and here we have a symphonic evocation of the gothic sensibility本片有著歌德風格的視覺感受. He shows the erection of the Collinwood Manor, a shriek of architecture令人讚嘆的古宅建築, on a hill above the new Maine town of Collinsport. We learn how young Barnabas falls in love with the angelic Josette (Bella Heathcote) and spurns一腳踢開 the love of Angelique (Eva Green).

Angelique, a witch, forces Josette to flee in terror to a cruel stony finger pointing out from a rocky cliff. Waves dash the stones far below. He pursues her, tries to save her, but is unable to stop her from falling to her death. This is great storytelling, because it's played straight
直接了當演出來. I didn't expect the whole movie to be pitched at this level(可是影評人Roger沒想到後面的劇情都是類似的鋪陳,完全沒有迂迴轉折或是驚喜之處, but it sets a note the rest never matches導致看到後來越來越失望(興奮感開高低走). Barnabas, made into a vampire by Angelique, is wrapped in chains, sealed in a coffin and buried for 190 years. The story moves forward to 1972, where the joke is that a vampire like Barnabas from the 1700s is out of place及不適應的(覺得不知所措).

Freed from his entombment
從棺材裡跑出來之後, Barnabas returns to Collinwood to find it dilapidated殘破不堪的 and cobwebby佈滿蜘蛛網的, and the family fortunes in disrepair失修. As proud of his family as any 18th century merchant prince and as proud of the mansion as when his parents were building it, he moves in to set things right.

The current inhabitants include Elizabeth Collins (Michelle Pfeiffer), who runs the family fortunes; her teenage daughter, Carolyn (Chloe Grace Moretz); Elizabeth's useless brother, Roger (Jonny Lee Miller); Roger's disturbed son, David (Gully McGrath), and a live-in psychiatrist named Dr. Julia Hoffman (Helena Bonham Carter). Family dinners are a depressing event, with everyone clustered around
大家聚集在一起 one end of a banquet table宴會桌, except for Carolyn, who skulks/ at the other end. Meals are served by Willie Loomis (Jackie Earle Haley), a wizened drunk乾扁瘦弱的酒鬼.

Johnny Depp, as pale as anyone might be after being buried for two centuries, caresses architectural details with talon-like fingernails
爪子一般的尖指甲(因為男主角是吸血鬼啊), and treats the others with elaborate courtesy. His performance is arch and mannered, as perhaps it should be, but so is everyone else's; the result falls between satire and lampoon諷刺, and creates such a distance between characters and style that nobody seems to much care what happens — except for the witch Angelique, who is still alive and whose Angel Bay fish cannery is bankrupting the Collins family.

Having ordered that he be buried forever, Angelique is still inexplicably hot for Barnabas. But there's tension because of the young and beautiful Victoria, who has become the new governess; surely it is no coincidence that she is played by Bella Heathcote, who also was Josette. Now we have the same romantic rivalry reborn in modern times.

Much of the amusement comes from Depp's reactions to 1970s pop culture. The soundtrack is populated by rock classics, Carolyn's room is decorated like any teenage girl's, and Barnabas is torn between
在兩者之間痛苦糾纏 alarm and fascination when he sees his first lava lamp. Yes, now that you mention it, lava lamps do somewhat resemble coagulated gobs of blood floating in urine這邊講的是熔岩燈(70年代頗為流行的裝飾)看起來真的好像是凝結之後的血液coagulated blood在尿液裡面載浮載沉…).

With reasoning suitable for a Jane Austen hero, Barnabas restores Collinwood to its former glory
恢復以往的榮輝 and decides to hold a formal ball to impress the locals. Carolyn pouts噘嘴 that this is unbelievably out of touch. In a good idea that doesn't pay off, Alice Cooper is hired to perform. "The ugliest woman I've ever seen!" Barnabas exclaims after examining Alice through his opera glasses. Alice Cooper's appearance, alas, is limited to a few snatches of songs — typical of the cameo appearances客串演出 that rock stars used to make in movies that had nothing to do with them. We are denied the intriguing prospect of an extended scene between Barnabas and Alice.

This is the eighth collaboration between Burton and Depp, who go back to "Edward Scissorhands" (1990) together. We know we can expect a pitch-perfect performance by Depp, who plays Barnabas with a lasered intensity
情緒表現非常飽滿, and we know Burton's sets道具 and art direction 藝術風格的走向will be spectacular. I think the best use of Depp in a Burton world was "Sleepy Hollow斷頭谷" (1999). Here Depp seems to inhabit a world of his own約翰戴普在斷頭谷裡面的表現,是影評人Roger覺得最好的,因為這部片中,男主角比較入戲, perhaps in self-defense可能是為了求表現吧(證明自己真的能演好那個角色). The others seem to be performing parodies拙劣的模仿 of their characters. "Dark Shadows" begins with great promise, but then the energy drains out這句結論就是,黑影家族這部片,一開始的表現超令人期待,可惜虎頭蛇尾,最後不了了之.




Resolve and solve 有什麼不同?該怎麼用?一分鐘搞懂!


最美麗的英文字 Serendipity ,是翻譯者最不想碰的難題。Looking for one thing: finding another...

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