搖錢樹的英文不是Money tree! 積非成是的Chinese pidgin English 見怪不見,你也會講這些英文嗎?

說到中式英文(chinglish 又稱 Chinese pidgin English),老外雖然偶爾也能揣摩意思大致領略,不過確實難登大雅之堂。近年來英文字典收錄了不少中式英文,下面幾個常用的都是從Chinese pidgin English變成英文字的範例:

1. lose face 丟臉 meaning to bring shame upon oneself.

2. no can do 不能做 meaning unable to something. (這種說法我在看美國卡通The Simpsons(辛普森家庭)最常聽到霸子 Bart跟他老爸或是學校的老師說這句。Also the imperative "do not attempt to do!"在英文使用這種說法,也有命令他人不准做某事的意思

3. no go 不行。meaning "not okay" or "option not taken." NO go area means forbidden place.

4. where to 哪去? meaning "where are you going?" or " where are you headed?"

5. long time no see! 好久不見。這句話老美已經常掛在嘴邊說了,早就見怪不怪。

儘管英文中有些中式英文已經被廣泛使用,不過這並不代表我們腦袋裡面想出來的中文表達方式,英文就一定說得通。中英文有時候確實可以對等翻譯,不過大多時候其實是不一樣的。最常見的中式英文就是"搖錢樹"經常聽到人把這三個字翻譯成 money tree. 在英文裡面,只有人說money doesn't grow on trees搖錢樹在英文的說法裡面,其實跟樹毫無關係,跟牛比較有關係,英文都翻譯成 cash cow。不然你說ATM (自動提款機也可以)。還有名片這個字,英文不要說name card,正確來說,應該是business card。另外像是基礎建設,大多數人都會望文生義,翻譯成basic structure, 其實正確英文應該是infrastructure. 還有出電梯要請人先走,不要說you go first,,請說after you(您先請)

Avoid Chinese pidgin English 

1. It’s important to learn knowledge.學習知識
It’s important to acquire/gain  knowledge
2. I felt uncomfortable and took the rest of the day off. 身體不舒服
I felt sick/ I didn’t feel well so I took the rest of the day off.
3. I don’t understand this word. I need to check the dictionary. 查字典
I don’t understand this word. I need to consult a dictionary. (I need to look up the word in a dictionary)
4. The store offers cheap prices for shoppers. 便宜的價格
The store offers low/competitive prices for shoppers.
5. I felt a headache today morning when I woke up. 我今天早上頭疼
I had/got a headache this morning when I woke up.
6. Sour rain酸雨is bad for the environment.
Acid rain is bad for the environment.
7. We studied the old history of China last semester.古老的歷史
We studied the ancient history of China last semester.
8. be careful of toxic snake in the forest.
Beware of/watch out for poisonous/venomous snake in the forest.
9. I want to raise my English ability for three months. 提升英語能力
I want to improve my English skills in three months.
10. We need to work together if we want to improve this problem.
We need to work together if we want to solve/deal with this problem.
11. We can really improve a bad habit if we try hard enough. 改掉壞習慣
We can break/get rid of a bad habit if we try hard enough.
12. My father raised his resignation yesterday after the meeting. 提出辭呈
My father tendered his resignation yesterday after the meeting.
13. I’ll need you to open a check to the store. 開一張支票
I’ll need you to write up a check to the store.
14. He has the habit of writing a diary. 寫日記
He has the habit of keeping a diary.
15. Don’t be afraid if you commit a mistake. 犯錯
Don’t be afraid if you make a mistake.
16. My father treats me like a money tree. 搖錢樹
My father treats me like a cash-cow. He wants to milk me dry. 我爸把我當搖錢樹,他想榨乾我。
17. My professor and I made research last year. 做研究
My professor and I conducted research last year.
18. I made a dream last night. 作夢
I had a dream last night.
19. He asked me to join a party.
He asked me to go to a party.
20. You'll find you are fit for business and you can make it your main job.
You'll find that you are cut out for business and you can make it your career.

21. We will own nothing at all if we depend on luck.
We will get nowhere if we rely on luck.

22. Their brain is still very childish.

They are still immature.

23. Dissatisfaction makes people produce desire for better things.

Dissatisfaction impels people for the better.

24. They can't analyze clearly what is right and what is wrong.無法明辨是非

They cannot tell right from wrong.

25. It will help children to form a good habit of dealing with time.安排或是利用時間

It will help children learn to make good use of time.

26. Though it is not the best job it afford to his life.工作勉強能糊口

Though it is not the best job, a job is a job. He can still make ends meet.
27. Eating outside has the most advantage that we can go at any time when we finish eating without doing any washing.
The best part of eating out is that we can leave everything behind after the meal.
28. Smoking can help me relax my mind.放鬆身心
Cigarettes help me relax.

29. Everyone can admire a peaceful life.享受靜逸的生活

Everyone can enjoy a peaceful life.

30. Good and smart people all think about the same thing. 君子所見略同
Great minds think alike.
31. You spend all your life to fulfill your willing. 你終其一生努力就是為了實踐夢想

You devote all your life to fulfill your dream.
32. With the advances in medical technology, many old people are living longer nowadays. 英文的老人不要寫成old people
With the advances in medical technology, many older people/senior citizens are living longer nowadays.
33. We live in an easy to change world, so we must always be flexible and willing to learn new skills. 變化多端的
We live in an ever-changing world, so we must always be flexible and willing to learn new skills.
34. I’m afraid of mosquitoes.
這句話的問題不在文法,而是英文字的選擇(word choice)afraid 是很強的字眼,如果說很蚊子,給人的感覺好像是蚊子很巨大兇猛,會傷害你的感覺。
I find mosquitoes annoying.
35. Have you seen my dog? It’s white color. 白色在英文中,不要把這個字翻譯出來
Have you seen my dog? It’s white.


  1. 請問老師9.改成下面的句子可以嗎? 謝謝
    I want to raise my English level in three months.





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