狗年行大運,狗年運勢英文大全 - Chinese Zodiac 2018, a sneak peek of how good this year is going to be for you!

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People born in the Year of the Dog are usually independent, sincere, loyal and decisive according to the Chinese zodiac analysis. They are not afraid of difficulties in life. These positive and proactive characteristics make them likable among friends and coworkers. 

  • Dog's Strengths
    Valiant, loyal, responsible, clever, courageous, lively
  • Dog's Weaknesses
    Sensitive, conservative, stubborn, emotional


1. 鼠

2. 牛

3. 虎

4. 兔

5. 龍

6. 蛇

7. 馬

8. 羊

9. 猴

10. 雞

11. 狗

12. 豬

Dog's Personality by Blood Types

  • Blood Type OThey are brave, clever, honest and optimistic. Outstanding professional abilities help them succeed easily in life. They are flexible and like to embrace new things in life. Well-liked and enjoy a great social life, these people can be quite vocal and never keep their feelings to themselves.  
  • Blood Type A: Posses great interpersonal skills and these can often lead to career success. They love sharing things with others and are quite empathetic. They can be sensitive and overly emotional sometimes but are quite easy to relate to most of the time. People rely on their kindness and good advice. 
  • Blood Type B: Very independent individuals with a clear sense of direction. They prefer to paddle their own canoes instead of getting help from others. They are street smart and can be quite charismatic. A born leader, they have the power to influence others and they win friends by being Honest and optimistic.
  • Blood Type AB: Can be slightly fickle sometimes, but these people are perceptive and very intuitive. Born with artistic talents, they reveal their true selves when they are with the people they know. They values friendships and will never break their promises to friends and families. They make the best partners and are often quite open-minded to innovative ideas. 



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