中秋節烤肉也有英聽廣播?啤酒醃肉比較健康!科學人Scientific American說給你聽!
中秋節大家都在烤肉,燒烤致癌是事實,想要吃得盡興又不想吃進太多有害的致癌物該怎麼辦?美國科學人Scientific American報導,將肉類浸泡在啤酒中可以減少致癌物質,大家不妨試試看。
平日多練聽力,NPR或是美國科學人Scientific American好處多多,免費又有效,收聽這些報導不但能長知識也可以練英文,真是一魚兩吃的好方法。希望大家多下載類似單元的內容,每天都聽幾遍,類似的短篇可以聽到爛熟為止。記得啦,爛熟為聽力精進之本。
平日多練聽力,NPR或是美國科學人Scientific American好處多多,免費又有效,收聽這些報導不但能長知識也可以練英文,真是一魚兩吃的好方法。希望大家多下載類似單元的內容,每天都聽幾遍,類似的短篇可以聽到爛熟為止。記得啦,爛熟為聽力精進之本。
Thanks for the recommendation, but science topics always make me sleepy. lol
回覆刪除That's why these articles are so short. You won't have to put up with them for too long.
刪除I see! Miss Chloe, can I ask you something? Have you watched any English TV series lately, or just listened to podcasts??
刪除No TV series lately. I mostly just listen to NPR or watch videos on YT.