補習了那麼久,你提升的是考試經驗還是英文程度?我們都應該要立志當個deep learner!
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Dear Class,
之前發文曾說過,來教練這邊上課不是補習,因為我不以補習的心態去教學生。來教練這邊是為了學些一輩子受用的技巧跟能幫助成長的人生經驗。英文跟減肥一樣,短時間強記強練怎麼可能真正提升程度?下面這篇TIME文章寫得很好,希望大家抽空讀一讀(我有給字詞解析),真正能提升程度的是深度學習deep learning,所以比起考試成績,教練更在乎你是否真的學到東西與程度是否有提升。如果你真的學到東西,考試成績不可能不好。但填鴨式的學法,只是表面功夫,應付完考試,過一陣子就忘記了,即便考了個OK的分數,真正驗收的也只是短程記憶,而非真正的英文程度。
教練勤寫部落格,目的就是為了朝deep learning的方向邁進,這個部落格是我課程的售後服務,且是一次上課、終生保固。
1. Surface - 上課內容草草過,讀個幾次就算數。
2. Strategic - 分數導向考試為主,解題作弊偷吃步。
3. Deep Learning - 求精求全耐心讀,深度學習不喊苦。
Don't be a whiner, be a winner,這句話跟中國人說的「生氣不如爭氣」意思是一樣的。
...and these whiners will, inevitably, learn things the hard way.
College-admission letters go out this month, and most recipients (and their parents) will place great importance on which universities said yes and which said no. A growing body of evidence, however, suggests that the most significant thing about college is not where you go, but what you do once you get there.不是進哪所學校,而是入學後做什麼 Historian and educator Ken Bain has written a book on this subject, What the Best College Students Do, that draws a road map for how students can get the most out of college好好利用大學教育, no matter where they go.
As Bain details, there are three types of learners: surface, who do as little as possible to get by; strategic, who aim for top grades rather than true understanding; and deep learners, who leave college with a real, rich education. Bain then introduces us to a host of real-life deep learners: young and old, scientific and artistic, famous or still getting there. Although they each have their own insights, Bain identifies common patterns in their stories:
1. Pursue passion, not A’s. When he was in college, says the eminent astrophysicist知名的天文物理學家 Neil deGrasse Tyson, he was “moved by curiosity, interest and fascination, not by making the highest scores on a test.” As an adult, he points out, “no one ever asks you what your grades were. Grades become irrelevant.” In his experience as a student and a professor, says Tyson, “ambition and innovation trump 勝過grades every time.”
2. Get comfortable with failure. When he was still a college student, comedian喜劇演員 Stephen Colbert began working with an improvisational theater即興表演劇場 in Chicago. “That really opened me up 開啟了我的表演潛能 in ways I hadn’t expected,” he tells Bain. “You must be O.K. with bombing失敗. You have to love it.” Colbert adds, “Improvisation is a great educator when it comes to failing. There’s no way you are going to get it right every time.不可能每次表演都一次就到位”
3. Make a personal connection to your studies. In her sophomore year in college, Eliza Noh, now a professor of Asian-American studies at California State University at Fullerton, took a class on power in society: who has it, how it’s used. “It really opened my eyes. 它開啟了我的視野For the first time in my life, I realized that learning could be about me and my interests, about who I was,” Noh tells Bain. “I didn’t just listen to lectures, but began to use my own experiences as a jumping-off point出發點 for asking questions and wanting to pursue certain concepts.”
4. Read and think actively. Dean Baker, one of the few economists to predict the economic collapse of 2008, became fascinated in college by the way economic forces shape people’s lives經濟力量對人們生活的塑形. His studies led him to reflect on省思 “what he believed and why, integrating and questioning,” Bain notes. Baker says: “I was always looking for arguments論證/論點 in something I read, and then pinpointing準確地點出 the evidence to see how it was used.”
5. Ask big questions. Jeff Hawkins, an engineer who created the first mobile computing device, organized his college studies around four profound questions he wanted to explore: Why does anything exist? Given that a universe does exist, why do we have the particular laws of physics that we do? Why do we have life, and what is its nature? And given that life exists, what’s the nature of intelligence? For many of the subjects he pursued, Bain notes, “there was no place to ‘look it up,’ no simple answer.”這些問題的答案都不簡單,就算查也查不到。
6. Cultivate empathy for others. Reyna Grande, author of the novels Across a Hundred Mountains and Dancing with Butterflies, started writing seriously in her junior year in college. “Writing fiction taught Reyna to empathize同理心 with the people who populated her stories, an ability that she transferred to her life轉移至生活當中,” Bain notes: “As a writer, I have to understand what motivates a character, and I see other people as characters in the story of life把人當成生命故事裡的角色,” Grande says. “When someone makes mistakes, I always look at what made them act the way they do.”
7. Set goals and make them real. Tia Fuller, who later became an accomplished saxophone player, began planning her future in college, envisioning勾勒願景 the successful completion of her projects. “I would keep focused on the light at the end of the tunnel隧道的盡頭的那道光(意指希望), and what that accomplishment would mean,” she tells Bain. “That would help me develop a crystalized vision具體的願景.”
8.Find a way to contribute. Joel Feinman, now a lawyer who provides legal services to the poor, was set on his career path by a book he read in college: The Massacre大屠殺 at El Mozote厄爾蒙左提大屠殺, an account of a 1981 slaughter of villagers in El Salvador. After writing and staging a campus play about the massacre, and traveling to El Salvador, Feinman “decided that I wanted to do something to help people and bring a little justice to the world.”
為了能公費出國當交換學生,所以在備考的過程中看見了教練的部落格,以前因為不學好的關係,現在碰到了該還的還是要還,雖然沒有參與教練的課程,但是透過這些文字,就好像實際陪伴考生的戰友。我想說:真的謝謝您! 就算我的能力不怎麼樣,我仍得到這些受用無窮的寶藏。
by 暑假蹲在宿舍備考、英文不太好的某師範大學學生
Hi Unknown,
回覆刪除因朋友介紹進而得知妳的部落格,直到現在在英國還是時常來教練這看妳的分享 !
出來的這一段時間深刻的體悟到沒有人 [有義務] [應該]要幫助你,我想說的是很謝謝教練一直以來無私且用心的經營這個部落格,指引著許許多多的考生或是想學好英文的人,這並不只是單單資料的分享,更是一種陪伴與堅持的精神。
無論之後有沒有到美國念書,這份精神我必定會帶著它,且用盡全力 !
感謝Ray Hsu給我鼓勵。
所以還是要Deep Learning。
Hi helena,