時事短打 tainted starch 毒澱粉
看時事也可以學英文。近來許多加工食品一一淪陷。毒澱粉事件持續延燒。炎熱的夏天不能來杯清涼的珍珠奶茶還真是掃性。但是吃下去的東西不安全,口腹之慾還是免了。今天我準備了一篇小短文,把這次的毒澱粉事件簡單交代,大家可以學到相關的英文字彙。其中毒澱粉一詞,英文就有很多說法,如toxic starch或 tainted starch都有人用。一般我們常說的黑心商品,千萬別說成black heart products,因為這不是英文啊,黑心這兩個字是中式思維,所以黑心商品要用contaminated, toxic 或是 tainted這類的字眼來形容,中文的意思是「毒」或是有毒(被污染的)食品。
你知道嗎?台灣每六分鐘就有一個人罹患癌症。病從口入是千真萬確的。英文那句You are what you eat 是真的有道理。
Food scare, toxic starch and more...
The Department of Health衛生署 (DOH) yesterday announced that
all retailers零售商, vendors小販 and producers製造商 selling starch-processed foods澱粉加工食品 will from June be required to post a safety certificate安全證明 to prove that their products are free of maleic acid/maleic anhydride.不含順丁烯二酸化澱粉
DOH spokesman發言人 Wang
Che-chao (王哲超) said that
starting from June, the DOH will demand that vendors and retailers who sell
starch-processed foods, including tapioca粉圓, Taiwanese
meatballs肉圓, and yam and taro balls芋圓地瓜圓 present a safety certification clearly stating that their products
do not contain maleic acid.
Manufacturers製造商 claimed that Wang – a retired high school chemistry teacher taught
them how to produce products containing maleic acid as part of ensuring
starch-processed foods retain their texture確保加工後製品的Q彈口感. Wang is allegedly被控responsible for inventing a food-processing technique加工技巧
that involves maleic acid.
The chemical化學物品 was
added to products including tapioca balls and rice noodles米粉/粄條 to give them more elasticity彈性. A
health official said maleic acid is not known to have adverse effects極壞的影響 on human health.
老師 您好, 另類黑心商品"純柳橙果汁沒有柳橙",不傷身,但傷荷包.
回覆刪除adulterated food products
adulterated food products就是摻了雜質,