What's all the hype about 2011/11/11?


11/11/11: What’s the big hype?

11/11/11 is a much-anticipated day. Obviously, it contains all of the same digits (like 1/1/1, 2/2/2 and so on…), and it is a palindromic回文/回環文(也就是正反都讀得通) date. (That means the numbers are the same backwards and forwards). 11 is a very odd number and has been subject to much interpretation over the ages. According to Yahoo! News, medieval scholars believed that while most numbers had positive and negative qualities, the number 11 represented pure evil.  Numerologists also think there is something special about the number 11. In numerology數字學, 11 is a master number卓越數( 22, 33也是). Most numbers reduce; for example, 11 would reduce to two by adding the digits, but 11 is considered to be “higher” version of two. 11 is “highly charged充滿能量” and “difficult to handle難以駕馭” according to numerologists數字學家 11 represents illumination啟發 and sensitivity.

Eleven is a unique number in other ways, too. Many people profess宣稱 to see the time 11:11 on clocks more than other specific minutes, and certain outlying groups邊緣團體 have suggested that this represents the 1,111 spirits that are protecting us. Prominent psychic知名靈媒 Uri Geller has connected the number 11 to tragic world events, including when JFK’s assassination(這邊要說明的是,甘迺迪總統遇刺的日期是1122日,跟他死亡唯一相關的11數字是總統專機降落在達拉斯西北11公里處,然後日期是11月,時間是11點不過不是11分,是不是穿鑿附會,大家自己判斷囉), the attacks on the World Trade Center, and many others. 神秘數字11總是驚人地伴隨陰謀出現,例如美國九一一事件。他們指出,不只恐怖攻擊於911日發生,世界貿易中心雙塔看起來也像數字11,而且撞上世貿中心的首架飛機是第11航班。 Other people have asked whether it is just a coincidence巧合 that bankruptcy is called “Chapter 11破產保護令.

Last year an uncanny 怪異/可怕的number of birds seemed to be falling out of the sky simultaneously同時. This confluence of events sparked the public imagination and prompted us to introduce a wonderfully useful word for trying to grapple with coincidences: “pareidolia空想性錯視(如在火星表面看見人臉圖案,或是看見一片雲長得很像小狗之類的視覺反應,都可稱為空想性的錯誤視覺).

The public is responding to this number in all sorts of contradictory相反的 ways. Many betrothed couples結婚的男女 are picking 11/11/11 as their wedding day, swamping churches and wedding venues with festivities讓教堂與婚宴場地忙得不可開交.(現代人完全不信邪,許多新人選在這一天結婚) A director of the horror film series Saw奪魂鋸導演 is producing a film aptly titled 11/11/11要拍一部名為111111的影片




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