The Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn 暮光之城 破曉 Part I

The Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn

千呼萬喚使出來,暮光之城 - 破曉終於上映。本周介紹我最喜歡的影評人Roger Ebert給大家認識。Roger Ebert文筆相當好,我已經閱讀他的文章超過十五年
他幫芝加哥太陽報The Chicago Sun Times寫影評

想要增進寫作能力的同學,我建議大家多看評論,英文的評論有書評、影評和各種免費的管道網路上都有。Roger 評破曉一,沒有使出全力,畢竟這真的是一部灑狗血的愛情浪漫電影

我之前看過了Twilight前幾集的DVD,不幸都半途睡著,這回打算只讀影評就好,也與同學分享這篇文章。大家可以去芝加哥太陽報點選Roger 叔叔寫的其他影評,保證滿意。英文的two thumbs up就是從Roger 叔叔跟他的已故partner Gene Siskel來的。因為只要是好電影,Roger肯定會豎起大拇指說讚。那另外一個拇指呢?另外一個拇指原來是Roger 之前的老搭檔Gene Siskel。



所以之前英文那句two thumbs up,就是指Gene與Roger兩人都說好的電影,真的耶,之前我在美國租片,只要看見有two thumbs up,真的都是好看的電影。喜歡電影的同學,多看Roger的電影評論充實英文也不錯!

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn
Part 1

BY ROGER EBERT / November 16, 2011

The Twilight movies have devoted three episodes to Bella Swan's clinging to her virginity堅持維持處女之身 despite the compelling appeal of Edward Cullen儘管Edward吸血鬼如此之帥, the vampire. Now comes "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1," in which you have to give her credit: She holds out until after her wedding.你不得不讚許女主角抗拒誘惑的能力,她一直到婚禮那天,才與丈夫嘿咻 Then she and Edward fly to Brazil and a luxurious honeymoon hideaway度了個既豪華又隱密的蜜月 on the beach, where the morning after her wedding night she is black and blue with bruises全身黑青瘀血, the frame of the bed is broken, all of the furniture is tossed around 散落四處and the draperies are shredded連窗簾都破了. Good gravy! What happened? (影評人以詼諧的方式來詢問他倆的洞房花燭夜到底是花生了啥米事?為何第二天早上起來連家具都毀壞了,是否過程太過於激情?)

We have no idea. The movie doesn't show us! Yes, the most eagerly awaited deflowering史上最期待之奪去貞操(記得deflower一字就是奪去一個女人的處女身分) in recent movie history takes place entirely off-screen這一句話是說,影片做愛做的事情,過程完全沒出現在銀幕上,從暮光之城系列影片上檔以來,粉絲引頸期盼的就是兩人的親熱戲,好不容易等到了這一集,結果還是沒演出來. That something momentous took place is indicated 14 days after the wedding ceremony, when Bella discovers she is pregnant. Edward Cullen may have been dead for more than a century, but he's still producing industrial-strength sperm儘管男主角是吸血鬼,他的精子卻依舊強壯有力. Can humans and vampires mate?到底人類與吸血鬼是否可以交配 What's the blood chemistry on that? What will be in the wee one's bottle? Milk, or the unthinkable?那生出來的孩子要喝什麼?喝奶還是喝鮮血?(影評這邊用the unthinkable來表示鮮血)

Despite these
scientific conundrums解不開的科學之謎, "Breaking Dawn - Part 1" is absorbing引人入勝, if somewhat slow-paced可是影片的節奏確實偏慢, and has without doubt the most blood-curdling scene of live childbirth in a PG-13 movie影片中Bella的生產鏡頭,以PG13分級制度來看,確實超級血腥(PG13是指13歲以下小孩需要家長陪同觀看影片). Probably the sight of Bella and Edward demolishing the bedroom would have tipped it over into R territory.這邊影評再度幽此電影一默,評斷說此片之所以性愛情過程全部沒演,可能是因為太激烈香豔,過程中家具全毀的場景恐怕會將電影從PG 13變成R級片,R級就是限制級,17歲以下要是沒有年長監護人陪同是不能看的。

The first half is slow and dreamy, as wedding preparations get underway. If you recall the
lore知識 from the earlier films, you'll know that marriage to Edward means Bella must become a vampire herself. It's a lovely wedding, with blossom-laden trees framing a lakeside altar這是形容婚禮現場的美麗畫面,樹上垂墜著美麗的花朵,婚禮的祭壇就在湖邊. Bella's father Charlie is not entirely happy; his toast includes genial真性情的 mention that should harm befall Bella he has a gun and knows how to use it. But he puts on a brave face while propelling Bella down the aisle帶著女兒Bella走向新郎. Edward awaits her, looking in pain as usual.(整段的意思是,女主角的父親對於女兒婚事顯然有些不安,但基於愛女還是成全。不過在婚禮上他真誠且護女心切的表示,要是女兒日後有什麼三長兩短,他決對不會客氣,他有槍且須要用時絕對不會遲疑。)新郎在祭壇另一端等待新娘的表情,則維持一貫的痛苦便秘臉。

We get
shots鏡頭 of the smiling guests. Many are familiar from the previous movies, but others on both sides of the aisle are new to us. They fascinated me. What were they thinking? How many knew Bella was marrying a vampire? Were they cool with that? Did anyone wonder why Edward apparently possessed not a single relative older than himself?

Back again is Bella's best friend Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner), who you recall is now a
會變形的 who turns into a wolf. Enraged憤怒 by Bella's pregnancy, he summons his pack召喚他的同伴. The wolves, it must be said, are underwhelming as a pack. They become huge ferocious凶狠的 beasts with sharp fangs獠牙, and hurtle at top speed through the forest咻咻咻地快速穿越森林, and… well, that's about it. They're always hurtling somewhere. Hurtle, hurtle. Hurtle是描繪速度很快的移動著

Kristen Stewart is really pretty good here, although like almost all actresses
she believes pregnant women rub their baby bumps unceasingly所有電影裡面描繪的懷孕女性,都會不停地輕撫自己隆起的肚子,這部片中Bella也不例外. I would have liked more scenes developing her thoughts about married life.影評表示女主角表現四平八穩,可是除了不停摸肚子之外,對她的內心世界卻著墨甚少,真想知道她對於婚後生活有什麼深刻的感觸 Although the possibility of an abortion is hinted at有暗示到墮胎的可能, we never learn her thinking on this question: Does a vampire baby have a soul? Does it have a right to life although, technically, it's half dead? Luckily, we must wait only until Nov. 16, 2012, when "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2" will open. It had better have the answers. If it doesn't, Charlie Swan has a gun and he knows how to use it. 結尾影評表示,欲知詳情與解開心中的答案,還得等十一月再看第二集,要是第二集還不給答案,並且把劇情交代清楚,別忘了女主角的爸爸有一把槍,屆時他可是不會客氣的。




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