In contrast, by contras t 到底怎麼用? 兩者意思一樣嗎? 下面教練提供的簡易提點讓你一分鐘學會怎麼用。 1. 首先, by contrast 強調的是 比較 ( comparison) , in contrast 凸顯的是 差異 ( difference) 記得這個下面簡單的連結 By contrast = comparison In contrast = difference 記起來了嗎? 下面就是再記得這些 in contrast 接 to 或 with . by contrast 接的是 句子的主詞 下面是兩個例句參考: In contrast 1. In contrast to the diligent bee, the butterfly flies hither and yon with no apparent purpose. 2. In contrast with the chorus of bird songs in my backyard, my front yard is serenaded by the sound of rumbling buses flying down the street. 3. The stock lost 60 cents a share, in contrast to last year, when it gained 21 cents By contrast 1. By contrast , the paintings done by Picasso were more vibrant and full of life. 2. My cat often sleeps during the day. My two dogs, by contrast , can be quite vibrant and energetic.
雖然我跟不上老師 po文速度同步學習, 但我還是常常會上網來看 "標題", 哈哈哈
回覆刪除謝謝老師, 我以前曾聽別人指正, 下列情況 go 和 come 的用法, 但當時也沒問個究竟
今天看到老師說明, 才知原來是這個意思喔
The first time Grace came to the U.S., she didn't speak much English.
came 代表句子中的主角人還在美國
The first time I went to the U.S., I didn't speak much English.
went 表示說話的人已經不在美國了
Hi Tammy,