Bad Piggies答案終於來囉! From NPR

Picture from the Bad Piggies trailer 等了幾周之後 終於把這一篇上完了 課堂上簡單的討論了一下 聲音檔再上傳一次 檔名也改成了bad piggies而非angry bird了 呵呵 下載聲音檔請點我 Not so New From NPR Angry Birds' Spinoff Flies To Top Of iTunes Charts On Thursday, Rovio — the company behind the hit 熱賣 / 爆紅 mobile game "Angry Birds" — released 推出 a new game. "Bad Piggies" is a spinoff 副產品 of "Angry Birds" and it’s already among the top downloads in the iTunes App Store. Robert Siegel talks to Ina Fried, senior editor at All Things Digital about how profitable 獲利 "Angry Birds" has been and whether Rovio can replicate 複製 its success. ROBERT SIEGEL, HOST: This soundtrack 配樂 has accompanied untold wasted hours 浪費的時間 around the globe . It is the music from "Angry Birds," the addictive 令人上癮的 mobile game that surpassed 超過 one billion downloads in May. SIEGEL: Today, Rovio, the company that created "Angry Birds," released a new game, ...