
目前顯示的是 2025的文章

元宵節的所有英文一網打盡,從賞燈、吃湯圓、踩高蹺、猜燈謎到舞龍舞獅,全部都學起來!Everything You Need to Know about the Lantern Festival

元宵節可別只顧著吃湯圓(當心熱量!), 相關字彙也來一點吧! Everything You Need to Know about the Lantern Festival Falling on the 15th day of the first lunar month, the Lantern Festival is the first significant festival after  Spring Festival 春節 , so called because the most important activity during the night of the event is watching lanterns. And because every household eats  yuanxiao 元宵  (a rice ball stuffed with different  fillings 餡料 ) on that day, it is called Yuan Xiao Festival. For its rich and colorful activities, it is regarded as  the most recreational among all the Chinese festivals 是所有中國節慶中最好玩的一個   and a festival for  appreciating the bright full moon 賞月 , and family reunion. Customs and Activities: With a history of over 2,000 years, various traditional customs and activities are held during Lantern Festival that  appeal to people of different ages 無論老幼都喜歡元宵節 , including   watching lanterns 賞燈   and fireworks,  guessing lantern riddles 猜燈謎 ,  ...


教練在批改大家英文作文的時候,發現很多同學常常搞混 company 跟 accompany 這兩個字,所以今天用一張圖造句給大家看。 大家要注意, 這兩個字的詞性不同,使用的方式也不一樣 喔。記得看熟下面的例句,懂得舉一反三,下次就不會再寫錯了。


每一年差不多這個時期,就會一直看見跟「福袋」還有 「刮刮樂」Scratch and win lottery 相關的新聞。其實這兩個東西雖然跟台灣的過年文化很有關係,但福袋這個名詞源自於日本,刮刮樂則是台灣人的過年傳統(炒作出來的)。今天有同學問教練, 福袋的英文是不是Lucky bag? 教練想說,不如趁這個機會寫個小單元,教大家「福袋」的正確說法。其實福袋這玩意兒並非台灣獨有,國外也有這東西,但我們沿用了日本人取的好聽的稱呼,叫做福袋,但說穿了,福袋裡面的商品,大多是商家幫我們拼湊的,有很多還可能是過季(但尚未過期)或零碼的滯銷商品。但因為價格非常便宜,加上有個驚喜的成分在裡面,所以買個福袋來應景,或是參加商家的福袋抽獎,還真的很有過年的感覺呢。 言歸正傳,那福袋的英文,是不是lucky bag呢? 這樣的英文說法,其實是日文翻譯成中文(漢字)然後又翻譯成英文得來的。但老外一般不會這樣講。教練分享一小段英國BBC國家廣播公司的相關文章給大家看看。 They're called Fukubukuro 福袋 - and at the start of each new year, thousands of people in Japan queue up for hours to get their hands on them.  新年的時候,日本民眾會在百貨公司排隊搶購的東西,台灣因為很多日式百貨,所以福袋的傳統多年前就這樣飄洋過海來啦。 These "lucky bags" are essentially mystery goodies bags that contain anything from clothes to food, depending on the store selling them. 看到lucky bags被引號框起來,就曉得這是針對日文稱呼的英文翻譯啦。 英美人士都稱這種福袋為mystery goodies bags。goodies 指的就是吸引人的小東西,多半是糖果小玩具之類的玩意兒。 They started out as a way for Japanese department stores to get rid of old stock at the start of the year, but ...

想發大財得先換個腦袋,因為有錢人真的跟我們想的不一樣。21 Ways Rich People Think Differently.

21 Ways Rich People Think Differently By Mandy Woodruff – Business Insider 1. Average people think MONEY is the root of all evil. Rich people believe POVERTY is the root of all evil . 一般人認為金錢是萬惡的淵藪,有錢人認為貧窮才是問題所在。 “The average person has been brainwashed to believe 因為被洗腦而相信 rich people are lucky or dishonest,” Siebold writes. That’s why there’s a certain shame 某種程度的羞愧感 that comes along with “getting rich” in lower-income 低收入 communities. “The world-class knows that while having money doesn’t guarantee happiness, it does make your life easier and more enjoyable.” 2. Average people think selfishness is a vice. Rich people think selfishness is a virtue . 一般人視自私為罪惡,有錢人認為自私是種美德。 “The rich go out there and try to make themselves happy. They don’t try to pretend to save the world,” The problem is that middle-class people see that as a negative––and it’s keeping them poor, he writes. “If you’re not taking care of yourself, you’re not in a ...