New From Scientific American 奇奇奇!古埃及珠寶所使用的材料,竟來自外太空!

照片來自網路 下載聲音檔請點我 下載填空卷請點我 下載解析版請點我 有時候我覺得考古學跟天文學根本就是同一家啊。誰會想到古埃及的珠寶(鐵珠)裡面所含的金屬成分,竟然是外太空來的?這篇60秒科學新知,考古天文學一次全包,記得下載多練習,學英文之餘還可以充實背景知識喔! Ancient Jewelry Had Extraterrestrial Origin The metal in a set of 5,000-year-old Egyptian beads came from an iron meteorite. From Scientific American Sophie Bushwick reports Iron is a great material for making tools . But the oldest known iron artifacts 手工製品 were actually intended for decoration : nine Egyptian beads that date back to 3200 B.C. 西元前 And now we know that this ancient jewelry has an even more impressive origin—the iron out of which it was crafted came from space 外太空 . The metal cylinders 筒狀物 were discovered in Egypt in 1911 . To analyze the structure and chemical composition of the beads, researchers bombarded 衝擊 them with neutrons 中子 and gamma rays 伽馬射線 ( 以高能量的粒子或是放射能衝擊 .) The tests revealed that the jewelry contained trace elements not present in Earthly ores 礦石 —but that are found in iron-r...