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下載聲音檔請點我 地球上的人實在是太多了! 你能想像,再過38年 全球將有七十億人口匯集在都會區生活嗎? 都會設計與城市的永續發展是當下政府的施政重心 交通 垃圾 資源分配與政府效能 更將是決定都會競爭力的幾個重要關鍵 閱讀NPR能夠學到新的字彙 比方說甚麼是pecking order 在地文化 與 國際能見度 這些詞彙的英文又是甚麼 還有最新的 共商城市 指的是甚麼 ? 看完下面這篇NPR 你就都學到了! As More Move To Cities, A New Take On Urban Design by Eleanor Beardsley Copyright © 2012 National Public Radio®. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For other uses, prior permission required. From NPR News, this is ALL THINGS CONSIDERED. I'm Melissa Block. ROBERT SIEGEL, HOST: And I'm Robert Siegel. By the year 2050 , some 7 billion 七十億人 people will be living in cities. That will have a profound impact 深遠的影響 on our planet and force the world's urban centers to adapt 逼迫全球的都會中心去因應 ( 大批居民的湧入 ) . This week, big thinkers from the public and private sectors representing 60 countries met in Paris to discuss the city of the future. NPR's Eleanor Beardsley was there. ELEANOR BEA...