
看懂英文報紙不可不知的 16 個單字 英文單字 英文解釋 中文解釋 Volatile (adj.) Tending to fluctuate sharply and regularly. 容易變動的 反覆無常的 Withdrawal (n) The act of recalling or removing, as in troops from foreign wars. ( 自美國國土外 ) 撤軍 Kibosh (n) To put an end to, to check, squelch. To put a kibosh on sth… 制止 / 檢查 / 鎮壓 Underwater (homes) (n) The condition when a house is less than the value negotiated at the time the mortgage was signed. Underwater homes 就是所謂的 溺水屋 。指的是房價低於所要償還的貸款 ( 美國的房市景氣低迷,房價直直落導致此一現象 ) Temblor (n) A tremor, earthquake 地震 Robin Hood tax (n) A proposal to tax the wealthiest 1%. 富人稅 ( 有人提議要課徵有錢人百分之一的富人稅,來解決美國政府財富窘迫的困境 ) Bellicose (n) Inclined or eager to fight, aggressively hostile, pugnacious. 好鬥的 好戰的, pugnacious 是同義字 Eurozone (n) The group of countries that use the Euro as their currency: are Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slo...