The Year of Dragon 祝大家新年快樂! 這邊準備了一篇每年過年都不能免俗的農曆新年英文介紹 春聯 年夜飯 爆竹 的英文要知道(同學,千萬別寫fire flower - 花火,是怎樣?日文上身了嗎?) 農曆年的介紹 Chinese New Year 農曆新年 , or 過年 Guònián), also known as the Lunar New Year or the Spring Festival 春節 is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays. The Chinese New Year period ends with the Lantern Festival 元宵節 , the fifteenth day of the month. 年獸的介紹 Some Chinese believe that Nian ("Nyehn") was a reptilian 爬行動物(如蜥蜴/蛇或是烏龜) predator掠奪者 that could infiltrate 滲透/侵入 houses silently like the infamous 惡名昭彰的 man-eating leopards花豹 of India. The Chinese soon learned that Nian was sensitive to loud noises, and they scared it away with explosions and fireworks. Origin The origin of the Lunar New Year Festival can be traced back thousands of years, involving a series of colorful legends and traditions. One of the most famous legends is Nian, an extremely cruel and ferocious 殘暴的 beast tha...