英文聽力短篇練習本周是酷斃了的3D Street Art!

下載聲音檔請點我 下載文字檔請點我 From 蘋果日報雙語天下長春藤美語 關於英語短篇練習方式請點這個連結 http://chloeyachun.blogspot.tw/2013/07/blog-post_24.html 類似主題我在托福聽說課程上有分享過。知名的3D地景畫家如Julian Beever(如下圖) 以及德國3D地景畫家Edgar Mueller (下圖)都是非常有名的。 想要知道這些畫家是如何製作3D地景畫,請參考下面的連結,也別忘了閱讀文章喔。 請點選youtube連結,看影片。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SNYtd0Ayt0 3-D Street Art 3D 地景藝術讓您身歷其境 Paintings are usually seen on walls, but there is also a special form of art that uses the street as a canvas. They are 3-D street paintings, and they are more fun to look at than most graffiti. Using shading and careful designs, the artists make the images look like they are coming right out of the pavement. Picture yourself walking along a narrow cliff. One careless step and you will fall off ...