
Picture by Georgia Glynn Smith Getty Image The Meatless (and Less Meat) Revolution By Brad Tuttle This year, the average American will eat 165.5 lbs. of beef and poultry 家禽類的動物如雞鴨 . That may sound like a lot, but it’s actually a 12% decline compared to 2007 , when an annual intake of 189 lbs. of meat per person was standard. This week, chances are pretty good you’ll be hearing about the financial and health benefits of eating less meat, during “Meatout” events scheduled around the country. What’s a Meatout ? It’s a grassroots campaign 民眾自發性發起的運動,通常並無政治力介入 to push consumers to “ kick the meat habit 戒掉肉類,不要再吃 ,” if not fully than by a matter of reduction.( 如果不能全戒掉吃素,就少吃點 ) Throughout the week, Meatout events have been scheduled in big cities like New Orleans and Phoenix , as well as spots such as Daytona, Florida and Charleston, West Virginia , among other places. The goal is to spread the word 把訊息傳播出去 , while handing out vegan food samples 蔬食食...