13個職場絕不能說的英文!敢說I think...跟OK,你就慘了!13 Things You Should Never Say At Work !

下載文章請點我 教練在教托福之前,曾在外商公司上班超過十五年,很多外商是全英文環境,所以聽說讀寫都沒法子用中文,但是別以為英文流利就吃得開,因為講錯話,除了讓老外誤會不說,還可能丟工作。下面這十三種狀況,英文該怎麼講才對?教練把該說的字眼與句子特別放大給大家參考,連不該說的英文標題字也放大,好加深大家的印象。 記得了,說對話保證你職場一路順風,下面這幾招快點學起來啊! 13 Things You Should Never Say At Work Here are 13 phrases that should be banned from the office : From the Forbes Magazine 1. “ It’s not fair .” 敢這樣抱怨你皮在癢 She got a raise, you didn’t. He was recognized, you weren’t. “Some people have food to eat while others starve,” Price says. “Injustices happen on the job and in the world every day. Whether it’s a troubling issue at work or a serious problem for the planet, the point in avoiding thi...