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下載聲音檔請點我 Health Benefits Of Tea: Milking It Or Not September 27, 2012 - MELISSA BLOCK, HOST: Lots of studies suggest that drinking tea is good for you. Researchers have demonstrated 證明 beneficial effects 益處 on your heart and blood pressure 血壓 . Compounds in tea might even help you keep the pounds off 保持身材 ( 減肥 ) . But, and this is bad news for me, some scientists now believe that adding milk to your tea may diminish 減少 / 縮小 those benefits. NPR's Allison Aubrey reports. ALLISON AUBREY, BYLINE: Tea connoisseur 鑑賞家 / 行家 , Robert Rex-Waller, has a few strong opinions about what makes for a perfect cup of tea. ROBERT REX-WALLER: I have just a small electric kettle 插電的水壺 . AUBREY: As steam rises up 蒸氣緩緩上升 in the tea room here at the Park Hyatt Hotel in D.C. where Rex-Waller oversees tea service 茶道服務 , he waits for the moment when just a few bubbles start to form. REX-WALLER: I believe in not boiling it over 水不要滾過頭 . AUBREY: So really you...