New from NPR! 來看看互動式墓碑,沒有毛骨悚然的靈異體驗,只有溫馨與科技...

設計精美造型獨特的墓碑(headstone),在左下角加上了QR Code,馬上摩登起來。 看到沒,智慧手機一掃描,就能馬上連結專有的網址,閱讀往生者生前的故事與相關資訊。 A trip to the cemetery will never be the same! 英文的 everlasting memories 將會成真。因為人人都可因為QR code而不朽。 下載聲音檔請點我 下載填空卷請點我 下載解析版請點我 將滑鼠放在標題上,可出現網址前往NPR官網連結看原文 Technology Brings Digital Memories To Grave Sites From NPR News, this is ALL THINGS CONSIDERED. I'm Melissa Block. And its time now for All Tech Considered. We begin today with a visit to a cemetery, a space normally reserved for old marble and perfectly clipped 修剪工整的 grass. But imagine a headstone with a code that lets you pull up 拉出 photos and read stories about the dearly departed 過世的摯愛 . We're going to hear about a company that is adding tha...