New From NPR!腦部掃描測知痛感,科技進步到無法假裝啦!

下載聲音檔請點我 下載填空卷請點我 下載解析版請點我 How Much Does It Hurt? Let's Scan Your Brain DAVID GREENE, HOST: All right. Let's hear now about some new research. Scientists believe they have found a way to measure how much pain someone is experiencing. They do it by scanning 掃描 a patient's brain. Researchers hope this technique could help doctors treat pain better, but as NPR's Rob Stein reports, the advance 進步 / 創舉 is also raising concerns about whether this could interfere with 干預 doctors doing it the old fashioned way 傳統的方式 - just listening to their patients. ROB STEIN, BYLINE: Right now, when someone is in pain, their doctor has no way to know how bad it is except to ask them questions. Like, how ranks on a scale of one to 10 . 透過一至十分的衡量表來測知 And Tor Wager of the University of Colorado says, that's often not good enough. TOR WAGER: We all have trouble communicating our pain and other feelings under different circumstances. 在不同的狀況之下 STEIN: Many people j...