英文短篇聽力本周討論美麗的迷思。The Misconception of Beauty

From 蘋果日報雙語天下 長春藤美語 下載聲音檔請點我 下載文字檔請點我 短篇英文練習使用方式連結請看http://chloeyachun.blogspot.tw/2013/07/blog-post_24.html The Misconception of Beauty 美麗的迷思 Today’s obsession with thin equaling beautiful is affecting the youth. Girls and boys alike still search for role models. In a way, they develop an idea of what is expected of them from the images they come across in their daily lives. They compare themselves to what they see in magazines, in movies, and on TV. If they don’t match these images in appearance, they feel out of place. Such feelings can lead to depression and problems later on in life. Some girls have gone to extremes to change the way they look in order to match the women they see in magazines. A result of this is that cases of anorexia and bulimia are increasing. These problems are also being seen in younger children. Unlike images of beauty in the past, today’s ideal body shape only matches a tiny percentage of people. 中譯 現今人們對於「瘦等於美」的著魔程度...