New from NPR!科學研究揭開木乃伊血管硬化的真相。

下載聲音檔請點我 New from NPR (對不起上面這張照片有點駭人...) 今天因為趕時間,沒法子再找圖來換了 如果有人看了覺得不蘇胡,我改天把照片換掉... 這篇NPR很有趣,透過木乃伊的研究,發現血管硬化可能是人類老化的自然現象。(當然這不代表大家可以肆無忌憚地吃高脂肪與糖分或是高鈉含量的食物,大家還是要注意飲食) Mummy Study Shows Heart Disease Could Be A Natural Human Condition Researchers have found hardened arteries 硬化的血管 after scan ning 掃描 mummified bodies 木乃伊屍體 , some of which were more than 3,000 years old. A more modern diet and lifestyle were once thought to be the causes of heart disease, but a new study recently published in the journal The Lancet 刺胳(音同哥)針醫學期刊 ( 為歷史最優久的英國醫學周刊 )may prove otherwise. Audie Cornish talks to cardiologist 心臟病專科醫師 Randall Thompson, one of the study's authors, about the findings. AUDIE CORNISH, HOST: Ever wonder why mummies always sound like they're suffering from 受 … 的苦 serious indigestion 消化不良 ? CARTOON CHARACTER #1: Golly, look. CARTOON CHARACTER #2: That's a mummy and it's moving . CORNISH: A little " Scooby Doo 史酷比卡通 " for you ...