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From NPR 下載聲音檔請點我 對與VOA有興趣的同學 在此也提供youtube連結 另外 本周最新NPR 這篇廣播探討節能窗戶low-e windows 以奈米晶Nanocrystal塗層 留住陽光阻擋熱氣 還能控制室內溫度 幫你我都省荷包! 不過這項科技還在研發階段 目前尚未進入量產階段 同學可以透過本文先睹為快! Warmth In Winter: Smart Windows To Let Heat In by Lauren Sommer Heard on All Things Considered November 28, 2011MELISSA BLOCK, HOST: And speaking of smart, researchers are developing smart windows 智慧型窗戶 . It's a high-tech 高科技 effort to cut down on the huge amount of energy that leaks through windows. Lauren Sommer, of member station KQED, has that story. LAUREN SOMMER, BYLINE: As someone who studies windows , Howdy Goudey isn't surprised that most of us find them a little boring. HOWDY GOUDEY: Well, it's a pretty pedestrian object 人行道物件 . You know, what's new to do with a window? SOMMER: But here at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, windows are the focus of some cutting-edge 高科技 research. Goudey uses an infrared camera 紅外線攝影機 to look...