New NPR 奢華坐月子中心大陸正夯

下載聲音檔請點我 一胎化之下的大陸,產生了許多社會現象。 一個月要價三十幾萬的豪華坐月子中心 與尿布奶瓶等 高檔的母嬰產品炙手可熱 六兜綜合症six pocket syndrome則成了 不可避免的現象。預知詳情 請參考本文並聆聽廣播 NEW FROM NPR Why Is China's Baby Care Industry Booming? by Frank Langfitt LINDA WERTHEIMER, HOST: It's MORNING EDITION, from NPR News. I'm Linda Wertheimer. STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: And I'm Steve Inskeep, with a mystery about China. This is a country with a one-child policy- controversial 具有爭議性的 , but effective. It has held the fertility rate 生育率 of the world's most populous country 全世界人口最多 / 稠密的國家 to an average of 1.6 births per woman. That is lower than Norway, lower than Sweden, lower than the United States. But here's mystery : Why, with a stable number of births each year, is China's baby care business booming? NPR's Frank Langfitt explains from Shanghai. FRANK LANGFITT, BYLINE: Chinese tradition dictates 規定 that new moms must spend their first month indoors 新手媽咪要坐月子 . Older generations 老一輩的 think this ...