
目前顯示的是 5月, 2023的文章

from Scientific American 本周英聽廣播上傳。科學人報導,小學生的學習積極度可能與家庭的富裕程度有關。

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終極解夢機真的來了嗎 ? 請聽本周NPR的報導。Scientists unveil your hidden dreamscape.

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火星上土壤裡的高氯酸鹽perchlorate可讓冰溶解。這篇科學人短篇可以學到很多實用單字。So, what about Martian soil salts?

  下載聲音檔請點我 下載填空卷請點我 下載解析版請點我


下載聲音檔請點我 下載填空卷請點我 下載解析版請點我 根據專家的說法,上面這類型的番茄才是最好吃的番茄。 真正好吃的番茄顏色多樣,且滋味豐富。 只可惜現在比較少見。 這些hairloom tomato番茄的外型或許不那麼好看,但據說味道清甜且香氣逼人,這些才是真正好吃的蔬果。想知道為何我們現在吃的番茄變成下面這幅模樣,且吃起來索然無味, 請聽NPR的報導。 點上面的連結可下載完整檔案

本周英文正確說,教練提醒大家Wish 這個字的地雷不要亂踩,還有Wish/Wishing/Hope用法都給例句,一分鐘看懂。

經常收到同學給教練傳來的祝福話,有些卡片上也有英文祝賀詞,今天提醒大家, Wish這個字如果拿來祝福人,一定不能省略主詞 。有些人不瞭解少個主詞有啥關係,意思不是差不多嗎?事實是, 如果省略了主詞,是很不禮貌的 ,就好比搭電梯時,客氣地請他人先出電梯,然後你說了這句:    You go first Please . 中文聽起來就是「您先請」,但在英文人耳中是不禮貌的,好像 你命令他先走 似的。 After you . 才有「 您先請 」的意思,這樣說才禮貌得體。 寫卡片或是email想要給對方祝福, 不要這樣寫 : (X) Wish you a happy birthday.   因為這樣 有命令的意思,非常不禮貌 。 中文的意思很接近「 你還不快點祝自己生日快樂 」。省略了主詞就會給人這樣的印象。所以要這樣說:   (O) I wish you a happy birthday. 其他的祝賀文也不可以省略主詞 (O) We wish you a happy holiday. (O) Chloe at the office wishes you all the best in the New Year .  想要省略主詞,只有後面接that才可以。 另外一種祝福法,則是把wish後面加上ing,這樣這個字就變成了現在分詞,這樣寫就可以,請參考下面句子 :  (X) I wishing you a happy birthday . (wish加ing時候不需要主詞) (O) Wishing you a happy birthday . 最後簡單提醒, wish跟hope雖然都有「希望」的意思,但是wish多半拿來表示祝福,或是許願用,且願望不見得一定會實現,有時候這個字表達的是跟現實相反的狀況。Hope這個字的成功機率則比wish高 。 I hope I pass the exam before the end of this month . (還蠻有把握的) I wish I had enough money to buy that car . (事實與現實狀況相反) 

Fun facts in English. 那些年,冷知識教會我的英文。

新增說明文字 教練很喜歡吸收冷知識,一直覺得這些簡單的英文句子學起來好處多多。不相信?那教練把好處列出來給大家看看: 1. 冷知識都是現成的短句,簡單好記又好用。 2. These fun facts are great ice breakers. 有時候跟人聊天的時候容易辭窮,如果腦袋裡面有幾句這種冷知識句子,就可以讓對話暢行無阻甚至輕鬆「破冰」to break the ice。如上圖這句,教練來給大家一個英文對話情境。 You're having lunch with one of your English speaking friends.  Your friend has just ordered a chicken sandwich.  You: Did you just order a chicken sandwich? Friend: Yup! Why? You: Did you know that chickens can suffer from depression ? Friend: 🙎 You: Hey Amy, can we stay home today? I don't feel like going out anymore. Amy: Why? I thought you wanted to go shopping.  You: Not anymore. I just remembered that most robberies tend to occur on Tuesdays .  Amy: So? You: It's Tuesday today and I don't want to take any chances. I guess it's safer for us to stay home.  Amy: 🙍 Amy: Amy: Have fun learning! 看更多冷知識英文請點我

The lessons that life has taught me. 英文的心靈雞湯短句,學英文長智慧。

Let it go, see what stays.   最近最有感觸的是上面這句話。 人生有時候還是得學會放手, 因為這樣才能看清一切。 1. Nothing is really lost until your mother can't find it.  2. Life tip: When nothing goes right, go to sleep.  3. Nothing ruins your Friday like realizing it's only Thursday.  4. "I'll see you in court" is the grown up version of  "I'm telling mom." 5. "Your secret is safe with me...and all my best friends." 6. Going back to your ex is like having a shower and putting dirty underwear back on.  7. Favorite childhood memory: Not paying bills.  8. Brains are awesome if only everyone had one.  9. Don't date a guy who has a female best friend. 10. Don't trust people too much because they can change anytime.  11. Always choose self-respect over love. 12. Never let a man tell you twice that he doesn't want you.  13. People do not like good thoughts. They like good looks.  14. Truth is simple, but the moment you try to explain it, it becomes difficult.  15. Two thin...

From Scientific American. 小時了了長大變成路人甲? 本周聽科學人短篇Podcast鍛鍊英文耳。

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