每周一文:貼標籤不能解決仇恨與暴力,閱讀好文這篇別漏掉! Less labeling and more love for that certain someone around us.

illustration by Harriet Lee-Merrion 下載文章請點我 Less labeling, more love for the potential Cheng Cheihs When you stab someone with a knife, it creates two gashes 傷口 : first by entering the victim and ultimately via the scar left in their loved ones' hearts. It is inevitable that grief gives way to 會讓人決定去 a burning desire to seek vengeance 燃燒著復仇的渴望 ; an urge 迫切的要求 that would consume 吞噬 even the most logical of people. We who are not directly affected will then label an attacker as a murderer 把攻擊者貼上殺人犯的標籤 , a senseless killer 毫無理性的殺手 , a psychopath 變態 / 病態 or a bloodthirsty 嗜血的 student who has dedicated his life to violent mock-battles on the Internet 在網路上模擬殘暴的攻擊性戰爭 — as was the case in Taipei's recent metro kill...