NPR Mannequin 訂製假人創造商機

From NPR 下載聲音檔請點我 Life-Like Mannequins Inspire Real-Life Shoppers by Grace Hood In Colorado, a company says it can help retailers 零售商 boost 刺激 clothing sales 銷售 with more life-like 逼真 mannequins - you know, those custom-made 定製的 mannequins. These new ones are supposed to look like the real people who shop in stores, or at least look the way shoppers imagine themselves. From member station KUNC, Grace Hood has more on this marketing tactic 行銷策略 and whether it's working. GRACE HOOD: In this economy, getting customers to walk to the cash register takes real work, sometimes magic. HOOD: In this Southern California Disney Store, an employee helps a young customer wave a purple wand 棒 at a talking mirror. It's part of the store's redesign, which includes playful, child-size mannequins that encourage shoppers to interact with the merchandise. The mannequins appear to curtsey 屈膝的 , jump after balloons and in some stores, fly. Ms. TERRI COOPER: They definitel...