Useful study hacks proven by science. 六個有科學替你撐腰的讀書小撇步,據說真的能提升學習效率喔!

 Hack  這個字很有意思,很類似我們常說的「實用小撇步」或「助人更有效率達成目標的捷徑」。今天教練跟大家分享一些透過科學證實有用的念書小撇步,學英文之餘,也可以找出一些能提升學習效率的好方式。

1. Learn by "chunking." 訊息切小塊好消化

The theory is that people tend to remember things better when they learn related ideas in small chunks, rather than simply trying to cram all the details of a topic into their heads at once.

Research has demonstrated that subjects(受測者) tend to remember more items on a list when they relate certain items on the list with others.



2. Exercise before you study 念書前先運動

Exercise has both long and short-term effects on cognition認知能力.
It’s even been demonstrated that exercise can lead to neurogenesis 神經生成.

In addition, a brain structure called the hippocampus 海馬迴 is stimulated during exercise. Research has shown that the hippocampus is important for reasoning推理 and memory.


3. Study before you go to sleep 睡前念書效率好

A collaborative study published by researchers from Notre Dame and Harvard found that research subjects tended to remember unrelated word pairs better if they had learned them shortly before a good night’s sleep, rather than in the morning. Interestingly, it seems that being awake does the exact opposite–creating interference in our memories and causing us to forget some of what we’ve learned.

This just serves as more evidence it’s best not to pull an all-nighter. 徹夜不睡 Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep consistently, and possibly schedule a study session before bedtime.


4. Break up long study sessions for better focus 


You may be tempted to commit yourself to hours-long study sessions. There’s nothing wrong with having the occasional study-athon馬拉松式的念書方式, just make sure that you give yourself shorts breaks while you work.

Research has shown that when people try to focus on a single task for a long period of time, their minds start to wander.腦袋會開始神遊(注意力不集中) It’s the same phenomenon you experience when you hear the same sound over and over again–you become habituated 適應/習慣to it, and it becomes background. The idea is the same for a task you’re trying to focus on. In essence, you start going through the motions 敷衍了事/裝裝樣子 without actually thinking about what you’re doing.


5. Choose the right ink color when writing your notes. 


A 2009 color study from the University of British Columbia revealed that the color red "boosted performance on detail-oriented tasks such as
memory retrieval 記憶檢索and proofreading 校對 by as much as 31 percent compared to blue.  Red is a color often associated with danger and mistakes, prompting people to be more cautious and attentive 謹慎與專注 of the task at hand. Likewise, writing notes in red ink is expected to increase attention level,強化注意力 therefore, increasing the chances of information being stored for longer. 

The same study from UBC found that the color blue enhances cognitive performance when it comes to creative tasks such as brainstorming, 腦力激盪 but falls short 不足 compared to red in detailed oriented 細節導向的 tasks. Writing notes in blue ink won't have a huge impact on your retention保留; however, blue notes will be memorable because blue is known to be a trustworthy 值得信賴的 color that resonates 引發共鳴within people.  

Notes written in black ink don't stimulate much thought or attention. When taking notes, it may be best to write general information in black ink and opt for other colors when recording important details. 




6. Chocolate rules! 提升腦袋效能巧克力是寶

According to studies done at Loma Linda University, eating chocolate with a higher concentrations濃度 of cacao can significantly reduce your stress levels. Chocolate boosts your mood and and rejuvenate 恢復活力 your memory and immune system.免疫系統 

Increased blood flow to the brain at the right time has the ability to boost activity on the brain for a period of time, depending on how long the increased blood flow lasts. In a study conducted at Harvard Medical School, it was shown that 2 cups of hot chocolate improved flow to the brain for about 2-3 hours. 

A compound found in chocolate known as flavonoid 可可黃烷醇(一種抗氧化成分) has been proven to help increase blood flow 促進大腦血液循環(血流量)to the brain and this will also:

  • boost memory and attention span提升記憶與專注力時間
  • improve reaction time 加快反應時間
  • improve problem solving skills 提升解題技巧






  1. 明天開始加入運動/喝熱可可/睡前讀書 在我的日常活動中😊

    1. 好喔,來以身試驗ㄧ下看看是不是真的有效。

  2. 作者已經移除這則留言。

  3. 作者已經移除這則留言。

  4. 作者已經移除這則留言。

    1. Hi Isaac, 我昨天有看到你的留言,但因為太忙了沒法子馬上回。關於dangling modifier, 是否是因為你提到的那個句子少了主詞呢?因為dangling modifier最常見的問題就是missing a subject要不然就是修飾的東西離主詞太遠了導致讀者讀到後來都迷路了。

    2. 教練,抱歉,我以為是很蠢的問題,所以就刪掉。
      When taking notes, it may be best to write general information in black ink and opt for other colors when recording important details.

    3. 其實這是蠻常見的現象,甚至很多美國人都不覺得dangling modifier是個問題。正式的英文當然還是不要這麼寫比較好。





Resolve and solve 有什麼不同?該怎麼用?一分鐘搞懂!


最美麗的英文字 Serendipity ,是翻譯者最不想碰的難題。Looking for one thing: finding another...

一分鐘搞懂英文,different from 跟 different than 哪個對?

一分鐘搞懂英文,Good at, good in, good with差別跟用法絕對不再搞錯!

Vegan 跟 vegetarian 其實不同派。關於各種「飲食派」的英文,這篇全介紹!吃素好處多,吃素可以救地球!

