無痛英文文法又來了! 搞懂這些用法,人生黑白變彩色! Dogs don't lay. They lie down.

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Lay 放下/擱著
動詞三態  Lay→Laid→Laid(規則的過去式動詞變化)

  • I want to just lay my head on the table and rest for a bit.
  • My mom has just laid some food on the dining table. 

Lie 躺下 
動詞三態  Lie→Lay→Lain(不規則的過去式動詞變化)

  • My dog likes to lie next to my feet when I'm working.
  • I woke up and lay in bed until 12 pm yesterday. 
  • Jack has lain in bed all day because he is sick.

Lie 說謊的使用方式

  • I can't believe you've lied to me. 
  • Don't listen to him, he's lying!


無痛英文文法 6


1.     It’s costly to eat out these days.
2.     Failure to insure your car can prove very expensive, especially in the event of a crash.

英文的expensive costly中文都有昂貴的意思,但是這兩個字在英文中的用法不一樣。首先,expensive經常用來表達日常生活所需用品的價格很高,而且這個字還暗示了價格超過了物品合理的價值,也影射購買者購買能力不足。至於costly則有代價的意思,指的是某件事情會有嚴重後果。所以正確的句型如下

1.     It’s expensive to eat out these days.
2.     Failure to insure your car can prove very costly, especially in the event of a crash.


Those are costly diamond rings. We can’t afford them.


1.     The price of living is higher in Japan than in Taiwan.
2.     Housing costs keep going up.


1.     The cost of living is higher in Japan than in Taiwan.
2.     Housing prices keep going up.


u  Couple這個字若是做主詞的時候,可以接複數或是單數動詞。如果你把這個字看成整體,就是單數,把它看成兩個個體,就是複數。所以有人用亂猜法,單數複數好像都對。
u  不過如果couple一字的前面有加the,就要用單數動詞。通常如果couple這字的前面加的是a就請用複數動詞


1.     The couple in Apartment 6C seems to be very young.
2.    A couple of positions are available.

至於a couple of這裡我也說明一下。A couple of 中文的解釋有兩種,第一個是數個,第二個是指兩個。但什麼時候是指兩個,什麼時候是指數個呢,請按照前後文來判斷。

  • A couple of fake eyes are all he needs to get back on track.
這邊有個失明人,需要裝義眼,所以英文的a couple of這時候幾乎一定是指兩個

  • We went to Japan a couple of years ago.
這裡的a couple of 就有可能是指a few所以可以說幾年前,不見得一定是兩年

最後要講的,是Total number後面到底是加複數還是單數動詞。請記得下面幾個通則。(這些通則並不難,不要害怕吸收這些訊息)

Ø  如果是the total, the number做為主詞時,通常就是單數動詞
Ø  如果是 a total, a number尤其後面還有一個of的時候,就用複數動詞(簡單吧?)

n   The total was in the millions. 總數有百萬之譜
n   A total of four schoolgirls were killed in the car crash. 那次車禍總共有四個女學生死亡。

Majority 的動詞單複數

The majority of 後面動詞其實可以是單數或是複數,判斷的方式很簡單,跟前面說的couple一樣。如果你把這大多數看成是一個整體,那就使用單數動詞,但如果是一群單獨的個體,那就使用複數動詞吧。

u  The majority is any subgroup at least 50% plus one person. 超過50%的那群人就是多數。

u  The majority elects the candidate it wants. (因為選舉多由一個整體來完成,所以動詞多用單數)

u  The majority of criminals are non-violent. (這邊將罪犯當成一群單獨的個體)

u  The majority of the structural damage caused by the earthquake is impossible to repair. (由於damage損害這個字,是不可數的名詞,所以majority 應該要用單數動詞)

u  A majority of the voters are happy with the election result

u  A majority of the voters live in the downtown area.

A majority of 的用法跟a couple of, a number of, a total of 一樣,動詞應用複數


  1. 謝謝教練,我覺得這篇對我幫助很大喔

  2. Hi Unknown,






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