Fascinating fireflies ! 螢火蟲季又來了,遵守「賞螢三不」,賞螢之餘還學相關實用英文!



1. Don’t catch

2. Don’t interfere

3. Don’t shine light









因為時間不夠,我就不再廢話了。既然提到了螢火蟲,教練也分享一篇相關文章給大家賞析。這年頭,因為光害light pollution人潮human traffic都市發展urban development,樹林大量減少,全球的螢火蟲數量正逐年遞減。這些可愛的昆蟲需要大家努力保護。大家閱讀完這篇文章,找個時間去賞螢吧,記得不要拿手電筒去亂照,也不要高聲喧嘩,更不要去捕捉這些昆蟲,因為放在罐子裡他們活不了。這些螢火蟲只能生長在枯木或是腐葉堆中,大家要記得跟身邊的人說,我們去欣賞美景就好,回憶可以帶回去,蟲蟲請留在樹林裡。


Disappearing Fireflies

Like cool swims on hot days and lazy vacations, fireflies are a sign of summer. Many of us have cherished memories of spotting and catching them during warm summer evenings and running through fields that sparkled as if strewn with stars如星星般點綴散落(注意,strewnstrew的過去分詞). But there are signs our kids may not grow up with the same firefly memories we had. That’s because fireflies are disappearing from marshes, 溼地fields, and forests all over the world. And if it continues, fireflies may fade forever, leaving our summer nights a little darker and less magical.

Why Are Fireflies Disappearing?

Nobody knows for sure. But most researchers blame 歸咎/責難 two main factors: development and light pollution光害.

Most species of fireflies thrive as larvae(幼蟲,記得這個單字是不規則名詞,單數是larva) in rotting wood腐木 and forest litter枯葉堆 at the margins of ponds and streams.湖水或是池塘邊 And as they grow, they more or less stay where they were born. Some species are more aquatic水棲的 than others, and a few are found in more arid乾燥的 areas—but most are found in fields, forests, and marshes濕地. Their environment of choice is warm, humid and near standing water of some kind—ponds, streams, and rivers, or even shallow depressions that retain water凹地所形成的小淺塘 longer than the surrounding ground.

The problem is that throughout the world, our open fields and forests are being paved over林木被剷除,好鋪路, and our waterways are seeing more development and noisy boat traffic. As their habitat disappears under housing and commercial developments, 商業發展 firefly numbers dwindle.減少 Logging, 伐木 pollution and increased use of pesticides殺蟲劑 may also contribute to 歸咎於 destroying firefly habitat and natural prey. 摧毀螢火蟲的棲息地與它們在自然界的實物來源。

Human traffic人潮 is believed to disrupt firefly habitat as well. While scientific studies have only been done for the past few years, there’s plenty of evidence in areas that were once full of fireflies—and much of it goes back generations. Some areas once had so many fireflies that they profited 獲利 from running firefly tours  螢火蟲導覽 in marshes and forests—but since human traffic has increased, firefly populations have gone down. 賞螢的人越多,螢火蟲的數量就越少

Too Much Light At Night

Scientists don’t know enough about fireflies to tell for sure. But the signs are indicating light pollution as a major factor in the disappearance of fireflies 螢火蟲消失 all over the world.

Both male and female fireflies use their flashing lights to communicate. Some species synchronize同時 their flashes, sometimes across large groups of thousands of insects. All species speak a language of light用光來做為溝通的語言—scientists believe they use it to attract mates, defend their territory, and warn off predators.螢火蟲的閃光有三個目的:吸引配偶,保護地盤與對入侵者所發出的警示作用

Human light pollution 人類製造的光害 is believed to interrupt 干擾/中斷 firefly flash patterns. 閃燈模式Scientists have observed that synchronous fireflies get out of synch突然不一致 for a few minutes after a car’s headlights 車頭燈 pass. Light from homes, cars, stores, and streetlights may all make it difficult for fireflies to signal each other during mating 交配 (to mate) —meaning fewer firefly larvae are born next season.

Where fireflies once had uninterrupted forests and fields to live and mate, homes with landscaped lawns and lots of exterior lights are taking over. The reduction of habitat and the increase in lighting at night may all be contributing to making fireflies rarer.

Fireflies are fascinating creatures that light up our nights and bring a sense of magic and mystery to our environment. If they disappear, it will be a great loss to habitats and generations of people all over the world.




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